The blast after the crash

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"Remember to wait for our signal." One of my workers said. I simply shrugged, throwing a small orb at the wall. It lied motionless against the floor.

"No problem."

"Don't change the amount of fireworks either. We don't want you to destroy the scaffolding again." The worker shuddered in fear. "The excuses we had to make for the destruction."

"I was bored, what did you expect?" I shrugged again. "Can't expect the mascot here to wait for long."

"And don't you think about releasing them too early. This is supposed to be the grand opening to the newest ride after all." They pleaded.

"Well what am I supposed to do while we wait?" I tapped my foot, throwing another small sphere. My creator walked in, patting my back lightly with their smile.

"You can walk around the amusement park and interact with the kids. You can make a friend if you want as well." I smiled at that idea.

"Maybe we can play 'hot potato'."

"I'll get the body bags." Another one of workers joked. We gave each other playful glares as I exited the door. My creator followed me closely, admiring the clear night.

"Be sure to be careful during the show Blast. After all, we have your checkup with Dr. Light tomorrow."

I gave a thumbs up as I walked to the park. "Don't worry about me. I'll make sure this show will be dynamite!!"


It was weird paying for going into an attraction. I had to wait in a line of people, and the security guard was looking at me, trying to find anything peculiar. Why was there a lot of security anyway? Was there an attack earlier on this place? Maybe everyone's on edge from what I did.

After barely getting through, I looked around the place. It was quite an odd place for me. The place had typical rides like rollercoasters and dart games. Then there were the more...interesting rides. Some were spinning kids in cars, some were giant statues people were crawling on, and I swore I saw a building with mirrors stacked on top of one another. One ride was several feet high, and little kids were in small chairs dangling off of wires and being spun at terrifying speeds.

Seeing all those children screaming by the speed in the air brought a sick feeling in my stomach. The speed was frightening, their failing was unnerving, and the sound of the air making that 'whoosh' sound. I could picture the scene I was in perfectly when I fell off my station. The air hitting me hard when I screamed for help. How my whole world grew smaller until that unbearable smack on the ground. I couldn't take it. I lurched forward as I vomited oil.

"Ew!" One of the kids pointed at me. "Mommy, can robots actually puke?"

"Sweety, it's rude to point!" The mother turned her child away. "Poor thing though. I wonder if something's wrong with it." I waved both of them.

The oil was hot in my throat, and I gasped as I recovered from the panic attack. "Keep it're supposed to enjoy this, not gross everyone out."

I headed toward a booth with oil dripping off my teeth. "I need a napkin."

"Here." The person handed it over. I gently wiped my mouth as I talked with the concession person.

"Is there anything for a robot to do here?"

"Well, this park is divided into several sections. If you want to go to a place for robots, the 'Droid Void' is a place for you to chill for a while. Though, I would be advised to look out for Blastman." They leaned to me as I stared blankly.

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