A great day...

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It had been a couple days since I've heard from the others. I wondered how they were doing, so I tapped onto the monitor while Roll was behind me. The one that answered the monitor was a very happy Woodman.

"Woodman! Didn't expect to have you answer! How are you all doing?" I asked. Rush barked at the robot through the monitor.

Woodman chuckled a little. "It's going great Megaman. We are all heading out to the city soon." Roll pushed me lightly to squeeze in.

"Really? What are you all going to do?"

"Flashman insisted we get supplies, so he's going to the mall. Metal said something about heading out with your little brother Cutman for a new job. I'm so happy for him. As for Heat, Fireman offered to take him out."

"Aww, I should go help Metal out!" Roll started putting the supplies away.

"Wait, what about Crashman?"

"Crash?" Wood looked to his side. "I don't know. He kind of left early, but he said he was going to visit a friend. I'm pleased he's making friends, he'll finally have someone to bond with."

A thought went into my mind, and I smiled. "Wood? Is it okay if I join you?"

"Of course Megaman." He smiled.

"I'll go help Roll right now, then we'll join you briefly. And please, call me Rock." With a nod, we turn off the monitor and I helped my sister with the mess quickly.


(With Heatman)

*BWOP* Note: I have no idea what sound effect to make for robots teleporting. This is the best I could do.

"We're here." Fireman said to me. I looked around, confused by our location.

"And we are where exactly?"

"At ya new job."

"My job?!" I gasped. I took a better look at the factory. It looked similar to a nuclear power plant, except for the dome like structure and huge tube protruding from the valley. The dome was silver in color with some discoloration.

"And what is my new job?" I asked as we walked toward the facility. Fireman has his flames off, which was strange considering I remembered he always kept his "flames of justice" or whatever.

"You'll see soon. But I think ya going to love this place." If he had a mouth, I'm pretty sure he would be smiling. A young man came running up to us with a wide grin, shaking Fireman's hand furiously. He then gazed over to me before shaking my hand. His hand was really hot, even with my heat resistance.

"I'm so glad you took our offer!! We've been looking for new recruits everywhere, robots or humans!! I'm the manager here, call me Mr. Kuru. What's your name?" I looked to Fireman, who nodded slowly.


"I see. Do you want to see the place of where you'll be working?"

"Will there be water?" I asked, Mr. Kuru laughing as we entered through the doors, a wave of heat hitting our faces.

"Of course. It's almost like a oven in here!!"


(With Crashman)

I walked to the entrance of the studio where Blast lived. I wasn't aware of how big his park really was. His place wasn't just amusement park rides, there was a studio that worked on shows and stuff. How cool was this guy?

After getting lost multiple times, I found the address to his place. The name on it spelled "B.B Studios" in bold red letters, and I came to the door. I tried very slowly to press the doorbell. A little buzz came, but I didn't realize I punctured the bell and cracked it inwards. I heard the door creak and a middle aged woman looked at me with curious eyes. She looked exhausted but had a welcoming smile.

Mega Man A Second ChanceWhere stories live. Discover now