chapie ocho

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⚠️*warning* if you are sensitive about mental health and things like that please be careful reading⚠️


"so how long have you guys been together? OH have you done the sex?" felix asks whispering the last part.

"felix i will tell you tomorrow or something okay, im going to sleep." i said walking to my room trying to escape from this horrible situation.

"awww goodnight loser i hope the bedbugs bite." felix said giggling.

"uhuh goodnight." i said shutting my door as fast as i could.

i leaned on my door and let out a deep breath.

holy shit that was close, way too close.

since i was to tired and lazy to change i decided to go straight to bed in what i was wearing. definitely not because i liked the smell of his hoodie or anything its just comfy.

anyways i collapsed onto my bed hoping tomorrow would be a better day.


i woke up hearing the birds chirping and the sun shining through my curtains. this morning felt really peaceful for some reason.

i decided to lay down for a little while longer just taking in these few seconds of peace before my mom or felix comes bursting through the door.

but to my suprise that didn't happen. i got up curious as to why they weren't waking me up.

i put on some sweatpants and a tang top then i walked out of my room to see my mom sleeping on the couch looking exhausted.

and i think felix was still sleeping because i didn't see him at all or hear him screaming at his annoying ass video games.

i walked over to my mom and decided to wake her up "hey mom you should go to your room."

it wasn't my intention to scare her but i did because she jumped up straight away.

"oh hannie sorry i was just tired last night." she said putting on a fake smile.

she wasn't just tired when i looked closer her face seemed to be pure white she looked almost fragile. i wish she didn't work so hard for us sometimes.

as she was about to get up i grabbed her shoulder "mom if you need a break please take one it makes me worry." i said concerned.

"oh baby im okay don't worry about me just keep up with your studies okay." she reassured patting the top of my head.

even though i know she is lying i just sighed and said 'okay' knowing if i kept dragging it out she would just make excuses.

"jisung baby what time is it?" my mom asked stretching.

i looked over at the oven in the kitchen "its 11:54."

"oh no im late for work." she said looking visibly more stressed.

i can't wait till i make a lot of money and will be able to help her out, i thought to myself.

"i'll be back at maybe 9:00 tonight." she informed me rushing to her room.

"okay mom please just dont overwork yourself."

"i won't okay stop worrying." she said smiling.

those fake smiles might have convinced me she was okay before but now i see right through them.

i know she needs a break.

by the time mom was about to leave for work felix finally got up seeing she was leaving and rushed to give her a hug and kiss.

"have a good day at work we love you." we both said in unison waving her off.

when the front door closed me and felix looked at each other with the same concerned face.

we both sighed understanding that mom was overworking herself.

i walked to my room deciding to take my moms advice and study.

after about one hour of studying i fell asleep no suprise right.

when i finally woke up i looked at my phone sleepily to check the time.

it was 2:23 i fell out of my chair panicking.

i was late, shit.

i ran out of the house deciding to not change, as i was getting on my bike felix came out of the house confused asking where i was going.

"MY BOYFRIENDS HOUSE!" i yelled because i could care less right now.

i took off on my bike trying to remember where the apartment was.

i can't beleive im gonna get fired are you kidding how stupid can i be.

my mom is working so hard for me and felix and i can't even be on time.

god im such a disappointment i can't believe she is exhausting herself just to take care of a son like me.

as i kept thinking these things it started to get harder to breath i was sweating bullets and i could feel myself shaking.

no i can't be getting a panic attack right now.

i thought i was done with those why is it coming back.

i tried to slow my breathing and calm my mind.

after a while i started to feel better, but still felt a little on edge.

that could have been bad i thought to myself.

once i finally got to the apartment i didn't even tie my bike up or anything i threw it to the side and ran in the apartment.

the guy at the front counter asked where i was going and i hurriedly told him the room and floor.

i then rushed into the elevator out of breath. i probably looked insane but i couldn't lose this job.

when the elevator dinged signaling i made it to their floor i fumbled around trying to get the key card out of my pocket but minho opened the door giving me the scariest glare i've ever seen in my life.

i tried talking but my mouth went dry and i felt my throat closing again.

"what the hell jisung its almost 3:00. what where you doing?! you know i have to work as well! im tired of jira being treated as a second priority!" minho yelled at me veins coming out of his neck.

most of the things he was saying i couldn't understand because all i could think about was not getting a panic attack in front of him right now. my eyes were starting to tear up and i felt like i was suffocating.

i couldnt say anything i was trying but nothing came out i felt trapped.

just talk come on jisung.


panic attacks suck 😩

panic attacks suck 😩                             -author<3

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