chapie quince

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hey guys im so sorry i haven't updated school and volleyball have really been taking up my time but im gonna post two chapters today so yayyy sorry again i hope you guys are doing well 💕


"i love you mom bye." i parted then got on my bike getting ready for a long day at school.

peddling to school, i hated how the first thing that came to mind was minho and how he had been "teasing" me lately.

i guess its his strategy to drive me away but its not gonna happen im tougher than he thinks.

i also hate how when he teases me i kinda, maybe, sorta enjoy it. Its like this feeling i can't control i become defensive around him and mean, but i somehow enjoy his company.

i can't believe i actually enjoy that dipshits company. i thought, disgusted with myself.

when i made it to school i got more stairs than normal making me feel on edge.

i picked up my pace to go ask my friends what was happening, with each step my feet felt heavier and heavier. while trying to get to my class i heard whispers and scoffs i gripped the straps of my bookbag with shakey hands trying to contain my anxiety.

"thats the fag who cross dressed." i overheard a voice say i looked back to see a blonde guy who was known to be an asshole laughing with his friend.

cross dress? what does he mean- MINHO! i realized. so he really spread the picture didn't he. i scoffed to myself anger and betrayal building up inside of me and walked over to the two guys who were still laughing.

"you wanna say that to my face." i challenged trying my best to keep it together as i felt tears start to surface.

the blonde haired boy a few inches taller than me looked me up and down then asked "is wearing a dress a weird kink of yours?"

"so what if it is what would you do about it huh?" i spat back raising my eyebrows pushing back the tears that were becoming more evident.

"are you that desperate." he said then ran his thumb across my lips, chuckling like a typical fuckboy.

i grabbed his wrist twisting it causing him to yell in pain, i then shouted "don't fucking touch me dickhead." while still twisting his wrist.

before i could run and confront minho he punched me in the mouth causing me to fall to the ground.

i hissed in pain touching the side of my lip. i got up and bolted at the boy who had punched me taking him to the floor and started beating the shit out of him. i had never understood what the rush of adrenaline felt like until my fists collided and crashed into his face, each punch my hands getting more numb.

i felt someone's eyes on me and looked up to see minho staring at me, eyes wide but somehow unbothered and almost emotionless, he had a face and aura that was hard to decipher.

the kid i was holding down took that as an opportunity to punch me in the side of my head making me collapse onto the ground sending a ringing sound through my head.

i then saw minho run over now with a look of worry but the administration had already come before he could do anything.


"i will NOT tolerate fighting in this school young men!" Mr. Min, the principle yelled at me and the blonde boy i had just fought merely minutes ago.

"THIS IS BULLSHIT-," i began.

"LANGUAGE JISUNG!" mr. min interupted.

"i don't care what your explanations are, your parents are getting called." he stated keeping a professional face on though he was clearly frustrated.

"and you jisung," he pointed "i expected better from a kid like you."

"can we just skip the lecture and call my mom." i said slouching in my seat, my head aching. I didn't want to argue anymore so i decided to just comply and make my life easier.

after the principal called our parents the kid who had punched me, whos name i now know is jungyoo got a two day in school suspension while i got a week in school suspension.

apparently since he was "so hurt and wounded" he got the pussy punishment, his family could also buy the whole school and sue me at the same time so he has that privilege.

i was told that my mom didn't answer the phone so they sent a voicemail instead.

i decided i just wanted to go home because if i went on with the day i sure as hell would get a panic attack.

while riding my bike back to my house feeling the breaze brush against my skin enjoying the three minutes of peace i would get today i texted my friends and felix that i wasn't going to be at school today deciding to just explain to them what happened tomorrow.

my main goal was to hurt minho when i got to his apartment. now thanks to him my mom is going to be even more stressed about me than to begin with.

finally home i threw on a navy hoodie and a pair of basketball shorts deciding to go to my job earlier and tell minho off.

just when i thought he was an okay person, i scoffed this is what i get for associating myself with rich selfish assholes.

also good news i saw skz live in miami dikdndishbs i miss them so much 🥺🥺😤💕💕

also good news i saw skz live in miami dikdndishbs i miss them so much 🥺🥺😤💕💕

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