chapie nueve

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i saw jisung starting to have a hard time breathing and he looked on the verge of tears.

when i noticed this i calmed down and ran to the kitchen to get him cold water.

"here please drink it." i said handing him the water.

when he reached out for it his hands were shaking.

im so horrible i didn't know he was gonna have a panic attack, i thought to myself.

after he drank the water i took him inside and sat him on the couch.

"just take deep breaths jisung you will be okay." i said making sure not to touch him because most the time when people are having panic attacks they don't want to be touched.

"i- im hot." he managed choke out starting to breath heavily again.

i rushed to the kitchen to get him an ice pack. when i turned around i could see the sweat dripping off of his face.

"jisung is it okay if i take off your shirt." i said softly, trying my best not to sound like a pervert.

all he did was swallow and nod his head signaling that it was okay.

i took off his shirt slowly and put the ice pack on the back of his neck.

i kept repeating 'its okay' 'you're gonna be okay' 'just breath' in attempts to calm him down.

after a few minutes of this he finally had calmed down and was starting to breath normally again.

i was gonna ask if he felt better then i realized he didn't have a shirt on. i remember taking it off but i was too worried to even look at his chest. i had seen a glimpse of it before but when i look at it closely he has such a cute stomach but one thing that bothered me was what looked like a scar on one of his pec's.

he seemed to notice my staring and covered his stomach looking away, pouting like a kid.

"do you feel better?" i asked snapping out if it.

"uh yeah im sorry i usually don't get those anymore i don't know why i had one all of a sudden." jisung said now looking down.

"its okay i didn't mean to yell like that its just when it comes to jira i can't think straight." i explained feeling guilty.

"no its fine i shouldn't have been late you had every reason to be mad."

when i saw jisung still covering his shirtless body i realized he was probably getting cold so i took off my shirt offering it to him because his shirt was full of sweat.

"here take it i will wash your shirt."

he looked at me and stared for a few seconds his cheeks turning pink, then looking back at the shirt in my hand.

"just give me a shirt in your closet idiot why did you take yours off." he said pushing my hand away.

i reached my hand back out rolling my eyes and said "just take it."

"look i already said-"

"i didn't know you liked jisung like that oppa." jira said giggling.

we both panicked and i quickly said "no jira it's not like that okay plus we are both guys." i explained.

"so? doesn't matter i like my friend and she is a girl." jira said nonchalantly.

me and jisung coughed suprised at jira's confession.

"come over here jira." i said patting the space on the couch between me and jisung.

"so do you like her as your friend or do you like like her?"

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