chapie catorse

3.6K 176 46

stream double knot or your a coward


"looks like this rematch proves my point that you can't play." i said into my mic to the kid i was playing against.

"you literally have one more kill than me so suck my ass." the boy responded sassily back.

"one or one hundred, it doesnt make a difference still proves my point." i said chuckling at how i stole his kill just now.

"BRUUUUUH WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!?" he yelled almost blowing out my eardrums.

"why are you asking can you not see dumbass." i responded cockily.

"yes i can fucking see that you stole my kill and my name isn't dumbass it's yongbok." he said, irritated.

"then why does your username have lix in it?" i questioned curious since my online friends had told me he was australian.

"cause thats my korean name its usually easier for koreans to say." he explained.

"oh makes sense, since you told me your name i guess i will tell you mine, its changbin." i said feeling obligated.

after a few seconds of silence yongbok disconnected without a warning.

what the hell? did i say something? what a strange kid.


"THATS WHY HIS VOICE WAS SO FAMILIAR!" i yelled out loud since no one was home.

i can't tell him i was the one who pretended to be his friend. he is gonna think im some creapy stalker.

fuck what do i do?

minho thinks we are friends so i have to go with it.

what if i see him at school tomorrow?
thats gonna be hella awkward.

maybe he knows im the one who pretended to be his friend. my voice is pretty unique.

before i could continue my debate about wether he knew or not, jisung came back from seungmins about to walk into his room.

i remembered i still have to confront him about his "child"

"HANN!" i yelled running over to him.

"what the hell do you want go play your video games." he said already annoyed with me.

"you might wanna watch the way you talk to me if you don't want mom to know you have a kid." i said doing my best to sound intimidating.

"THE FUCK?! WHAT KID?!" he asked now confused putting his hands on his hips.

"the one you have with your boyfriend dummy." i replied in an "obviously" tone.

"felix what are you on abou- did you follow me?" he asked, suspicious.

oh shoot he is gonna hurt me if i tell him i did. why did i even bring the kid up? i thought to myself trying to make up an excuse.

"pfft im just joking goodnight." i then tried running back into my room but wasn't fast enough because jisung had already grabbed me.

"why the fuck would you follow me! im so mad at you right now felix! you're so annoying!" jisung yelled fuming.

"i should be the one who's mad, you hid a fucking baby from me! your baby!" i responded now heated as well.

"felix it isn't mine!" he yelled confusing me.

"well obviously your a man you can't birth a baby!"

"thats not what i mean! i have a j- felix come to my room." he now calmly said bringing me to his room.

jisung shut his bedroom door behind me and looked me dead in the eyes, hesitant.

"felix you can't tell this to mom or anyone okay. you have to promise me." he pleaded holding out his pinky.

"you're scaring me now." i stated wraping my pinky around his, to seal our promise.

"so basically one day i was riding my bike around to go get ice cream and i saw this little girl about to get hit by a car so you know the courageous hero i am ended up saving her," jisung started.

"what does this have to do with your chil-" i questioned but was soon cut off by the other saying "shut up im not done."

"when i saved this little girl i took her to get ice cream and found out she couldn't find her mom, soon her mom walked in the ice cream shop with my bicycle and offered me a job, its a babysitting one."

gasping i still didn't understand.

"you get it now felix?" jisung asked walking to sit on his bed.

"uh not really." i responded.

"are you fucking dense i-," sighing jisung explained further "that little girl is the kid im babysitting."

after a few seconds i let out a loud "oH" making jisung scoff.

"so thats why you didn't wanna talk about your boyfriend cause he has to do with your job." i said understanding the secrecy.

"yeah now get the fuck out and don't say anything." he shoed me off.

"well goodnight to you too loser."


henlo im first so sorry i haven't updated in so long. school hasn't given me much of a break and i have just overall been distracted. i never thought this book would get 3k reads but here we are. thank you all for still enjoying this ff. i will try my best to update when i can. 😁😁


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