Chapter 16: Stalking Snake

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Inside you
There is an angel
And a demon
Waiting to be fed
Feed the right one
And the right one will lead you

"Assalamualaikum warahmatullah. Assalamualaikum warahmatullah." Eiden ended the prayer with salaam. Eiden led the Maghrib prayer and all five of them prayed together in the living room. The living room was so small, the five of them had to squeeze in to offer their prayers.

Once done with the prayer, the family quietly but heartily enjoyed their food. No feisty food was prepared. Bella prepared simple, but amazingly delicious ayam masak merah. Farra marveled at Bella's cooking skills. Although she is a Malaysian, she would definitely not able to cook as well as Bella did. "Bella has to teach me how to cook this, its too good," lamented Farra to herself while licking her fingers clean. 

At the dining table, Bella cleared her throat. She looked at Farra with a small smile.

"Farra, are you going for Taraweeh?"

"Yes Bella, I want to," Farra nodded excitedly. 

"Good then, Eiden will bring you," Bella said with a serious look.

"Huh? What?!" Bella chuckled at the sight of Farra's confused face. Eiden was slightly taken aback at Bella's remark too. Eiden looked at Bella, demanding for an explanation.

"No, I mean Eiden and Imam Amir will bring you to the mosque nearby. Quite a nice one, you know," Bella said while pursing her lips together, trying to stop herself from bursting with laughter. 

"No worries, Bella. They can go to the mosque with their car, I will follow with my Myvi," commented Farra. 

"Too bad for you, Eiden," Bella whispered, while hiding her face with her left hand. Eiden, in return shook his head slowly, warning her against saying it out loud. Bella stuck out her tongue, showing her childish side only to her brother. He was her only brother now, and she was the only one she could be herself with. And after the death of her family, she grew incredibly close to Eiden, sharing all her smiles and sorrow with him.

Perhaps people
Only realise the value of love
When they lose the person
They love

Farra parked her white Myvi a few cars away from Imam Amir's car. Imam Amir and Eiden came out of the car and waited for Farra in the wide parking area. Farra took her time to make sure her appearance was not unkempt. She need not look too beautiful, she just needed to look tidy. With one glance at her own reflection on the rear view mirror, she opened the door of the car and stepped out. She walked towards her hosts, and then proceeded to walk a step behind them.

The mosque stood in front of them, grace and poise built into each brick. The simple, but the vast building had a beautiful, golden dome to it. A tall, towering minaret stood to the left of the dome, garnishing the building with its Islamic symbolism. It had been quite some time since she visited a mosque. Plus, it was Ramadhan, so she had to grab the chance and spend some time here.

As she excitedly strided towards the entrance, she felt a glare boring a hole on her back. Impulsively, she turned around, catching the gaze of a stranger. A pair of brown eyes stared intently at her. The stranger wore all black, and she would not have noticed him if not for his stare. He wore a black, cotton mask over his face, with the design of a set of teeth, blood dripping from its side. He wore a black cap with a pair of glasses. He was practically invisible in the darkness of night, if not for his brown eyes, stalking her.

The eyes seem familliar. Very familliar.

He looked at her as though a predator was stalking on its prey. A lion disguising itself among the tall grass, ready to pounce on the innocent dear. A stalking snake, with its terrorizing eyes, striking fear into the skin of a frog.

His gaze injected so much fear into Farra, just like the fangs of a snake biting into the skin, injecting toxins into the skin of the victim. And just like cytotoxins which kills each cell and paralyses the victim, Farra froze in fear, unable to move.

Eiden looked behind to check on Farra. Before Eiden realised, the stranger slowly walked away, akin to a snake slithering away.

"Farra, are you okay?" asked Eiden.

"No, I saw someone, over there," Farra pointed towards the parking lot.

"No one is there, Farra."

Farra realised he walked away, so she wore a fake smile and lied to Eiden. Eiden looked at her with knitted eyebrows.

"It's no one, don't worry."

"Ermm okay then, the women's side is towards the left of the masjid, and wait at the car once you are done yeah."


Eiden walked into through the entrance of the masjid. In a second, he was lost among the throng of jamaah seated at the front of the masjid.

Farra couldn't stop herself from looking back at the parking lot. And the gaze, the eyes, looked eerily familliar.

Who was that? And why was he staring at me?

P.s. Assalamualaikum peepossss. We meet again through this chapterrr. Thank you to those readers who keep up with this book. Thank you soooo much to those who read! You peepos mean soooo much to me. Also thanks to syrblhsn for ze new coverrrrr. Mehehehhee so any idea who the "stalking snake" is? 😎😎😎

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