Chapter 20: Fleeting Happiness

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The next day

The "clink" and "clank" of cutleries and the loud chatters of people filled the surrounding. The fresh, salty air tickled Farra's nosebuds. Cold, humid wind blew slowly, murmuring songs of love and laughter. The small seafood restaurant they were seated in had a funky environment. Freshly-cooked, hot food, ear-piercing noices  and adorable cats surrounded the restaurant. A waiter,wearing a wide smile, artistically carried a dead, steamed sea bass on a long, silver playe. He carefully placed the plate of hot, Thai-styled steamed fish at the side of the table.

"Okay, here is your steamed fish."

He then came over with a tray of five small bowls, filled to the brim with rice, and served it one by one to those seated. Next, he served a bowl of piping hot, classic butter prawn on their plastic table. The sight of the prawn was enticing, with golden fried prawns just waiting to be chomped up by hungry customers.

"The aroma is just, wow. My precious!" Eiden was the first to speak and he immediately scooped a pair of prawns onto his plate. Bella and Farra smirked at the greedy Eiden before filling up their own plates with  delicious seafood dishes. Imam Amir was the last to fill his plate, as he was busy cutting up the myotome muscles  of the 3 Rasa Fried Fish and serving it to the others. Bella was seated next to Farra and Mother, while Imam Amir was seated next to Eiden.

Eiden grabbed his glass of lemon juice and slurped it loudly.


"Eiden, can you please don't do that? It's annoying, plus it is bad table manners," Bella scorned Eiden.

"Sorry Belle, I'm just hungry after fasting for the whooooole day," Eiden replied, his eyes scrunching with smirk.

"Eh? Then did you think I fasted for half a day? What an achievement, Eiden," Bella remarked sarcastically.

"Okaylah, don't scold lahhh. I am just hungry," Eiden made an innocent face, to which Bella rolled her eyes. Farra bit her cheeks to stop herself from smiling. Mother smiled cheekily, as she clearly enjoyed the warm environment.

"Farra, this is for you. I left my Taraweeh prayers for a day so that you can clear your mind of everything that is bothering you. I hope you like this, Farra"

"I sure do, Imam. It had been a long time since I felt so, free of my own worries. Atleast this change in environment is giving me a breath of fresh air. I feel better now, thanks to you Imam," Farra smiled widely.

"You don't need to say thanks, Farra."

"And did I tell you? This is the first time I understand the feeling of being in a family. I have never experienced this before."

The table went quiet for a bit. The air around them tensed, as if it had been struck by a shot of lightning. Eiden was quick to dissipate the tension, and quickly spoke up, looking at Farra.

"Ohana means family..."

"And family means no one is left behind," continued Farra. For a second, their eyes met, gazes intertwining with each other. Eiden quickly realised what was happening and averted his gaze.

"Here is your receipt," the ever-smiling waiter handed a piece of printed paper to Imam Amir. Imam Amir gently took the receipt, and read the receipt silently. Suddenly, a hand snatched the bill from his hand, catching him by surprise.

"You may have brought me here, but I will pay the bill," Farra said mischieviously, a smirk drawn at the edge of her lips.

"Farra, give the receipt back," Imam Amir scolded.

"Heh, I won't catch me if you can!" said Farra, scooting away from the table, and she dashed towards the counter.

"Haih, this girl," Imam Amir shook his head in exasperation.

The plates and bowls on the table were squeaky clean, as the food tasted amazing, and their appetite was soaring high.

While waiting at the counter, Farra fiddled with her phone, and opened up Whatsapp application. Boring notifications from group chats filled her inbox. One particular notification caught her attention.


Assalamualaikum babes. I will be coming over to Imam Amir's house tomorrow to see you. I will come over at 11 am okay. See ya tomorrow.

Farra's eyes lit up. Her heart jumped up and down in excitement. Although it had only been a week since she last saw Falisa, but still her little yearned to meet her dear friend. Farra quickly handed over the exact amount to be paid to the cashier and hopped back to their table.

"Imam, Imam, Imam!"

"What is it Farra? Please don't give me a heart attack, I'm too young to die," said Imam Amir dramatically, while clutching his chest.

"Imam, Falisa is coming over tomorrow! I am so excited to meet her!" Farra's voice boomed in joy.

"Oh no, I have to clean the house. How tedious!" Bella wore a bored face.

"Don't worry Bella, I will help you!" Farra chirped. She could not contain her happiness. The thought of meeting Falisa filled her brain with bubbling dopamine, filling her soul with much anticipation.

But would Falisa's appearance bring happiness to Farra, or would it lead to Farra's destruction?

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