Chapter Four

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Logan kept trying to wriggle out of the group hug after about 20 seconds. I chuckled a bit to myself and let everyone go. "Why were you upset?" Asked Logan fixing his glasses.

"I just had a really bad nightmare, that's all," I explained. "So please don't pry at it Logan."

"Well, I am always a psychologist if you need anyone to talk to." Logan said shaking my hand.

"Thanks, Lo," I looked over at the others and Deceit somehow looked jealous? Is Dee jealous? What is he jealous of? I thought to myself.

Deceit walked over and pulled me into a protective hold, which confused me. Deceit just sat down on the bed acting like a protective snake (if that's even a thing? Idk). "Do touch her!" Deceit barked at everyone. "Not especially you, Virgil!" Everyone had the same look, confusion.

"Dee, are you ok?" Patton had asked walking forward. "We weren't hurting her." Patton sat on the bed and Deceit glared at Patton.

"Don't go away, Pat!" Deceit somewhat yelled. It shocked everyone especially Patton. Patton was almost the only one Deceit would never raise his voice at.

Patton started tearing up and stood up hugging Logan and Logan hugged him back letting Patton cry into his shoulder. "Deceit, there's something wrong with you, you literally never yell at, Patton." Virgil brought it up.

"I do care!" Deceit yelled and I started getting scared, I always laughed when I felt uncomfortable.

Virgil looked at me confused, "(Y/N) are you actually enjoying this?! You're sick, if you do!" Virgil snapped.

I kept laughing but managed to say, "Sorry, Virge but, I always laugh when I feel uncomfortable I've always done it." Virgil nodded with understanding.

"Deceit why are you acting like this?" Patton asked after he stopped crying.

Deceit sighed, "I'm not sorry Patton, Virgil, (Y/N), Thomas, Logan, and Roman, it's just that (Y/N) isn't my soulmate and I do want her hurt." Deceit looked down with embarrassment.

Patton smiled with understanding, Logan gave Deceit a firm handshake, Virgil gave Deceit a pair of headphones which Deceit didn't get at first but he soon did, Thomas gave Deceit a hug, Roman gave Deceit a perfectly manicured sword. They did this as they congratulated him on finding his soulmate.

Deceit smiled and loosened his protective hug and turned it into a normal hug. I hugged him back blushing softly, he just wanted to protect me, I thought to myself I thought that, that was really sweet. "I love you, Dee." I whispered to him.

"I love you too," Deceit whispered back.

(A/N): Did I accidentally make Deceit a slight yandere?........ I guess I did but guess what? I don't care about mainstream nonsense. I just love the ideas of yandere I myself am a DereDere. Look it up because I'm not the best at explaining it.... I also now have a YouTube channel here's a link to the first video on it:

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