Chapter 15

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(A/N): Sorry for not updating but I had writers block but I'm back and as a quick reminder I have a one-shot book requests are open its multi-fandom so it doesn't have to be Sanders Sides, I also have a QnA book if y'all wanna check that out and ask me questions.

As we all kept talking after that very confusing incident. Some guy, I didn't recognize him at first, came downstairs yawning and said, "What's going on Dads?" I must've looked surprised and confused because my Dad looked at me and said.

"Oh I guess we didn't tell you, you have a brother named, John." I looked at John and smiled nervously, waving at him a bit, he looked to be a bit older than me, maybe 26, 27.

John walked over to me and put his arm on my head since I was shorter than him, "so this is my little sister?" I was a bit upset that he was using my head as an arm rest and I tried to bite his hand for doing so.

"Don't do that again," I huffed and walked over to Deceit. But I didn't realize the blush on Thomas' face, it was clear he was falling for John, I looked at my Dad and Josh, "how long have you had him?"

My Dad thought about it, "Well, let's see I divorced your Mom for Josh, what? When you were like, 13?? And soon after we got married you were around 14 when we got married, I remember because you were happy for us and then we adopted Josh when he was 17 almost 18, you were still 14 when we adopted him."

I made an 'oh' shape with my mouth and Thomas was clearly nervous to say anything, so he did the same thing every stupid person does and said, "you should come over to my house with the sides, your little sister, and I." I facepalmed and thought, 'very smooth, Thomas, very smooth,' I chuckled a bit.

John looked over at me and pointed to Thomas and asked, "is he always like this?" I nodded, and John shrugged, "it's honestly kind of cute, sure I'll go with you guys, let me go get changed." John went up to his room to get changed.

"Thomas looks like you're in," I teased Thomas as he was already a blushing mess. Thomas punched me lightly in the arm.

"Shut up, (Y/N) let me have this tiny bit of happiness," Thomas smiled at the stairs waiting for John, I put on my shoes, getting ready to go. I hugged my Dad and Josh.

"Bye guys, I love ya both," and almost right after I said that John came downstairs and said.

"You better not be leaving without me," John smiled a bit and opened the door for us. We all walked out, Deceit's hand in mine, Logan's hand in Patton's, Roman's hand in Virgil's, and Thomas' well, let's just say he was too nervous to actually try and hold John's hand. John noticed how nervous Thomas was around him, and decided to make the first move.

John held Thomas' hand, which of course took Thomas by surprise and didn't take his hand away or anything like that. He just let whatever happen, happen. We got to the house and Thomas didn't want to, but he took his hand away from John and unlocked the door. We all walked inside the house, "it feels good to be home!" Deceit said, stretching after taking his hand away from me.

Deceit kissed my cheek before going to his room to change into pajamas, because he needed to do laundry, it was his turn to do the laundry today. So, Deceit gathered all the laundry as John and Thomas got to know each other. I smiled and took a picture of the two in order to put in a scrapbook of Thomas and the sides that I was gonna start someday.

Remus walked out of his room in his pajamas and noticed all of us were in relationships and decided to say, "time for an orgy!" Everyone stopped talking and looked at him with disgust and shock, no one knew what to say afterwards. John looked at everyone.

"Is that fucking normal?!" John said in shock and disgust. Thomas nodded and sighed.

"The one that just yelled that is my intrusive thoughts, the bad part about my creativity." Thomas explained, "I hate him with every cell in my body, but no matter what I do he won't go away so I have to find ways to cope about it." John gave a look of understanding and kissed Thomas' cheek. Thomas blushed a bit, because he wasn't expecting that.

"I understand, Thomas, how about I take you out on a date this Saturday and you and I can actually talk without interruptions like that one?" John offered and was asking Thomas out.

"I will go out on that date with you, what time should I pick you up?" Thomas asked and John gave a confused look.

"Oh no, babe, I'll be picking you up at six thirty," John said in response to Thomas asking the question. Thomas became a blushing mess, not expecting John to call him babe.
(A/N): This was longer than the last chapter right? I literally forced myself to write after avengerintheback gave me a wonderful idea of introducing a sibling of reader-chan's so that way, Thomas could date someone. Now if you excuse me, I'm gonna go watch some South Park. (Yes the drawing above is Kenny McCormick and yes I did it myself and yes it was my first attempt)

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