Chapter Sixteen

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-Dee's POV- (this is gonna be interesting)

I was ranting to Remus, "how did someone as amazing as (Y/N) end up with a snake like me? She's way out of my league.... I don't understand, how she even fell for me..."

I looked at Remus, and Remus opened his mouth to say something, but since he's Thomas' intrusive thoughts I immediately shut him up. I didn't wanna hear what he had to say.

I walked downstairs and saw (Y/N) was baking a cake with Patton, they were laughing and having a good time. I still wondered what she saw in me, that she was attracted to. I know what I saw in her, she was kind, adorable, and did anything in her power to make anyone smile or laugh, when they were having a bad day or a hard time.

I walked over and hugged (Y/N) from behind and set my chin on top of her head, since she's short. She looked up at me and kissed my cheek, "love ya, Dee."

I mumbled a bit, hoping that neither her or Patton heard me, "but why?"

She looked at me slightly concerned and dragged me to a separate room, so no one could hear whatever we were gonna talk about. "Why would you think that?" She asked me.

"Because you're better than me in every single way, you're a better person, you're adorable, cute, and sweet. Why would you like a compulsive liar, who's a snake?" I told her and asked her at the same time.

She hugged me, and said, "because I love you, you're what my heart wants, no one else."

I smiled and hugged her back, we left the room and went downstairs. Patton was extremely excited, and had all of us sit down on the couch, even John was over, he was slightly confused. But he assumed that this was a normal occurrence at this house.

Once we were all seated anywhere in the living room, Patton started talking, "I have bought 9 passes to Disney World!"

Roman was significantly happy. John was counting everyone in the room, "Wait that means you got a ticket for me? Why? I haven't even been dating Thomas that long. He and I have been dating for maybe two weeks."

Thomas became a blushing mess and leaned on John a bit, "that doesn't matter to Patton, he just wants everyone to be happy, even if it means sacrificing his happiness."

Patton giggled slightly and said, "now kiddo we don't talk about that time, it makes people upset, and this is supposed to be a happy occasion."

Thomas was worried for Patton's mental stability, seeing as Patton is his morality. John held Thomas' hand to reassure him.

"How about we all get ready to go, now?" I asked everyone in the room. They all nodded and went to their rooms including me, well, John and (Y/N) stayed in the living room, John stayed their because he didn't have any clothes here, besides the ones he was wearing. (Y/N) stayed in the living room to talk to her older brother and because she was already wearing decent enough clothes.

-Time skip to when they get to Disney World because the author is lazy-

Patton decided that we would go our separate ways, but we picked a spot to meet up to see the fireworks. (Y/N) and I went to go onto some of the rides. (Author-Chan also knows nothing about Disney World)

Once it was time for the fireworks, (Y/N) and I went to the spot where we were all going to meet up. I had a ring in my pocket that I am gonna give to (Y/N) as a promise that I would love her forever. The others were already there and we sat down at the the table together.

Almost as soon as the fireworks started, John kissed Thomas. Catching Thomas a bit off guard, but he clearly kissed back nonetheless. I gave (Y/N) the promise ring, and she immediately started tearing up from happiness.

"I got you that as a promise, that I would love you no matter what." I explained to her, and she put it on. After she put on the ring she hugged me and kissed my cheek.

"I love you too, Dee," (Y/N) said, and she clearly didn't want to let go. But, soon the time to go back home came, and we all piled into the car. Patton was the one driving home, Thomas and John were both a blushing mess on the way home.

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