Chapter 7

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I soon fell asleep without changing into pajamas. When I felt the sunlight hit my face I groaned not wanting to get up but I heard my phone buzz. I jumped up and reached for my phone and I was so happy to see that it was Deceit. 'Good morning, love.' He messaged me.

'Morning slimy snek boi.' I replied and giggled at my response. Soon my mom messaged me.

'Hey, sweetie, when do you want me to come over?' She asked I sighed I didn't wanna answer her I wanted to keep talking to Deceit.

'Come by at 3 in the afternoon,' I told her and went back to my conversation with Deceit.

'Slimy snek boi???' Deceit asked.

'Yep, you're a snek and you're a boy therefore you're my slimy snek boi.' I replied.

'Ok? When's your mom coming over and what time should I be over??' He asked.

I smiled, 'mom's coming over at around 3 in the afternoon, you should come over at 2:30 in the afternoon so that way we have a half hour to cuddle and watch a show.'

Deceit replied, 'okay I'm gonna go get ready, I wanna impress your mom so that way she approves of me.'

'Dee, you don't need to impress my mom, I just want you to be you, once you show her how much you care and how much you make me happy, she won't care, I promise.' I replied to him.

'God, I hope so,' Deceit told me I felt bad for him.

'Dee, love, I need to quickly take a shower, I promise I'll text you when I'm out. Lots of love,' I replied.

'Alright, love you too.' Deceit said, I smiled at that message and started taking my shower. I covered my scalp with my Vanilla shampoo and conditioner.

(Timeskip brought to you by me not wanting it to be awkward)

My small shower took about 20 minutes it was about 12:30 in the afternoon. I messaged Deceit, 'Hey, love, you wanna go out for lunch?'

'Of course, where would you like to go?' Deceit replied.

'Anywhere is fine with me, Dee.' I told him.

'Alright, I'll be over to pick you up, soon,' Deceit messaged me.

'Alright, I'll be waiting, love,' I messaged back.

I got changed into a nice shirt that was black. I put on some black pants to match I put on my sneakers I looked outside and I completely forgot what season it was. It was winter ((I love winter, it's my favorite season so a lot of my stories may start out in winter)) I looked outside and it looked colder than what it normally was. Which was how I was reminded that it was winter. I grabbed my only jacket, which was pretty thin, but I thought that it would work, it didn't look too cold.

I heard a knock at my door and I hurriedly went to answer it and sure enough I saw Deceit. I smiled up at him and gave him a big hug and noticed the jacket I was wearing. "That's too thin, you're gonna catch a cold." Deceit sounded worried and concerned.

"Dee, don't worry, love, it'll be enough, it doesn't look too cold." I responded holding his hand, but he still looked worried and sighed.

"If you say so, love," he told me. I smiled up at him, I locked my door before we left completely I didn't want anyone rummaging through my belongings. The only who I would allow to do that was the love of my life, Deceit.

"We can go now, love," I was so happy that I was with Deceit. And of course, since the world doesn't want me to be happy. Fanders recognized Deceit on the street and I suddenly was panicking in my head. I thought that they were judging us, me, him. I started shaking a bit and brought one of my hands up to my head and I pulled my hair a bit and Deceit noticed this and gave my hand a reassuring squeeze, causing me to look at him.

"Don't panic, remember I'm somewhat well-liked in the Sanders Sides community so of course, people are gonna stare. So please don't worry about it, love. It hurts me to see you, distressed." He told me I blushed softly and nodded smiling softly, removing the hand that was tugging at my hair and bringing it back down to my side.

Eventually, a Fander was able to get enough courage to walk over to us. Deceit and I noticed them, they seemed nervous, I gave them a small gentle smile to show that we weren't going to hurt him. He sighed and walked over to us. "Can I treat you two, to lunch?" He asked both Deceit and I were taken aback by the sudden offer.

I looked at Deceit, "What do you think, love? They are your fan after all." Deceit seemed to think about it for a little while before nodding.

"We'll take you up on that offer!" I said enthusiastically which caused Deceit to chuckle and place his other hand on my shoulder.

"Love, calm down, it's just lunch," Deceit sighed. The Fander looked confused, he couldn't tell if Deceit was telling the truth or lying.

"It's not just lunch, Dee, it's food!" I said Deceit pretended a look of hurt.

"Are you saying you love food more than me?" Deceit asked.

"What?! No! Of course not, Dee!" I started panicking and apologizing which Deceit lowly chuckled.

"Love, I was kidding," I pouted playfully when Deceit said that.

"Jerk," I mumbled. The Fander was shipping us internally.

"Oh, come on, love, don't be like that," Deceit complained, and kissed my cheek I couldn't help but smile.

"Fine, Dee, I can't stay mad at you." I smiled and held his hand looked towards the Fander. "I'm sorry for our little tangent, but we're ready for lunch now." I tell him the Fander shakes his head snapping himself out of his thoughts.

"It's okay Deceit's girlfriend, you're guys' small pretend fight was entertaining to watch." He explained, I smiled at that thought. "Anyways, let's get to lunch." He said.

Deceit and I followed the Fander, and we walked into Subway. I didn't complain I liked the sandwiches here. Deceit and I ordered our sandwiches. The Fander payed, "Thanks, for letting me treat you to lunch." He said and smiled walking away. I looked at the time.

"Shoot! We gotta hurry to my place!" I said frantically.

"What's the rush, love?" Deceit asked. I showed him the time and we started running to my place we were barely there before my mom and we both laughed before there was a knock on the door.

"I'll get it, Dee." I said but he beat me to the door I rolled my eyes and walked over next to him as he opened the door. "Hi mom," my mom gave me a hug and glared at Deceit looking him up and down as if sizing him up to throw him. Deceit looked very uncomfortable under her gaze. I whispered to Deceit, "is there anything you wanna be called? I don't think my mom would approve of a guy named Deceit, I think she barely approves of your beautiful snake face." Deceit slowly nodded.

Deceit whispered back, "Mason, say that my name is Mason." I nodded.

My mom spoke up, "So what's this young man's name?"

"Mason, his name is Mason mom," I replied. Deceit held out his gloved hand for my mom to shake.

My mom took it and Deceit said, "enchanté, mademoiselle." I didn't even know he knew a little French I blushed softly. I'm learning more about my love every second of every day. He will never cease to amaze me. At least my mom seemed to be approving of him now seeing as he knew another language. When my mom went to the bathroom I decided to ask him.

"What was with the sudden French? I didn't even know you knew a little bit." I explained Deceit sighed.

"Yeah, I know a little, but I didn't want to speak it in front of you until I knew I could speak it I wanted to surprise you but wanting to win your mom so she approves of us won me over and so it slipped." He explained I nodded and I kissed his cheek.

(A/N): Dee knows a little French (that's just a small detail for my story I don't think he actually knows the language of love in the series) but anywho I can't wait to see how well Dee and your mom get along. I'm having so much fun writing this. And thank you guys for nearly 200 reads. It warms my heart to know that people actually read my crap.

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