Chapter 17

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-(Y/N)'s POV-

The next day, I was thinking about how Dee felt like he wasn't good enough for me, when in reality it's me who's not good enough for him. I am feeling really bad about how I made him feel, I know it wasn't really my fault, but, I still felt bad.

I want to know that I deserve him, but, I know I don't, he's such an amazing guy, how did I get him as my soulmate?

I heard a knock on my bedroom door, so I got up, and, answered the door. Patton was at the door. "Hey kiddo, can you come help me with the cooking? I wanna make a big dinner, so your family, can come over, and eat as well." When he said family, I slightly froze up, I wasn't sure if he invited my mom.

"Hey, Pat? Did you invite my mom?" I asked him.

He nodded and replied, "isn't she a part of your family?" I was scared that she was gonna make fun of my boyfriend again, he just told us his name, like, a month ago, and now my mom is gonna ruin my new family. To top it all off, I don't even know if I'm good enough for Janus, it started getting hard for me to breathe, and Patton must've gotten worried, because, I heard him say that he'll go get Janus and Lo.

Not even two minutes later, the three of them, were in my room. I heard Janus and Logan talking, but it was hard to understand either of them, since they were talking at once, I managed to say, "one at a time..."

I heard Logan ask, "can you hear us?" I nodded slowly, giving him permission to keep speaking. After a few minutes, I calmed down, and I looked at Janus, and he looked concerned.

"Janus, I'm ok, I'm fine now," I smiled reassuringly at him. "I just need to listen to some raindrops, and thunder."

Janus sighed in relief and hugged me tightly, "what caused you to have a panic attack, if I may ask."

I hugged back, "Janus, I'm not even fully sure myself," I didn't want to tell him, that I don't think that I deserve him. He just nodded, and put on the sounds, I asked for, and left me alone to lay in bed and calm down, the rest of the way.

(If I don't update this for a few more months I either, don't have any ideas, or my dog passed away..... He's been having issues today.... We think it's nearing his time... But, if you wanna ask any questions, I have an ask book, and if you want a one-shot, I have a one-shot book up, if you wanna give it a request, and also please subscribe to my YouTube channel, I need people to watch my animatics, last I checked my most recent animatic only had 17 views, I'm Jane The Gacha Creator on youtube)

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