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Book 2 : Just A Girlfriend [PUBLISHED]
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They said he'll never like a girl in size ten jeans, hair that isn't easy to comb through, clothes from Ricky's thrift store, and a gentle attitude. He just wasn't that type of guy, but I was that type of girl. The opposite of whatever turns him on. I can say there are some good things about me. I get compliments on my lips, I'm often told I'm smart for a black girl, and I'm not selective. That last one was proven when I dated Courtney Downer for six months of eighth grade. He was a mistake.

Just like many of the people I stray away from, I have insecurities. I can list ten of them right off the top of my head. They appear whenever someone stares at me for too long or asks where I buy my eyeliner. I don't want to be the center of attention or be called out as cheap. Drug store makeup is just as good as the original but that's not what comes to other's heads.

As I said before, he would never like girls like me. I stood next to Edith almost every day just to talk about school and Sophia's rich girl problems. We dressed similar because we loved shopping at the same outlets and sometimes coming out as twins. Except Edith had long copper hair that shined as bright as her smile. Her skin fair and body slim enough to be a model. She had this glow in her eyes that had any guy turn their heads just so they wouldn't miss it. She looked good in crop tank tops and shorts that hugged her lower half. Good enough that Harvey left the comfort zone of his baseball jocks just to acclaim her as beautiful.

I couldn't frown at this nor make any sudden movements that would give away my feelings. When she turned to me and indirectly expressed her gratitude, all I could do was smile. I even threw in a little clap and a small comment to build her up some more. When I came back to reality, I watched Harvey walk down the hall just to meet up with Sophia who was fifteen feet away.

Neither of us know if she saw his risky behavior but Sophia finds out everything whether she saw it with her own eyes or heard it with her ears. She never acted on her threats though. So, a week later when she told Edith to kill herself, of course we laughed at it. Sophia couldn't make Edith take her life. She didn't have that power and Edith didn't have any known weaknesses when it came to miss popular.

Weeks passed and Sophia eventually got over blaming Edith for Harvey's disloyal tendencies. Mainly because they broke up days after the encounter and there wasn't anything she could have done to prevent that. Harvey loved Sophia; everyone knew that. Why he broke up with her? That's a discussion for a later time. For now, Harvey was single, and he was preying on any girl who batted her eyes in his direction. I went out of my way to make sure Edith wasn't one of those girls.

"So weird. He dumped her right after thinking of me as beautiful. I'm starting to think it's connected."

Edith swung her hair from one shoulder to the next then applied another layer of pink tinted gloss to her already rosy colored lips. I kept my eyes straight ahead to focus on the curls that fell out of my bun no matter how many times I looped the hair tie. Then again, I couldn't help but give one last look at Edith's figure. Her shirt was so short that the slight lift of her hand exposed her belly ring. Her pants were a size too big that the belt holding them up only caused wrinkles to form near the button area.

I noticed it but I don't think she has. Her style has changed. The amount of time she pulls us over during passing period just to check herself out in the mirror has changed. She calls me now every night just to pick out her outfit when usually she'd rush to slide anything on in the morning. This all started happening when Harvey changed his status from taken to single.

Maybe I shouldn't have egged her on that day and maybe I shouldn't have told her to wear those shorts. I also knew that would have stopped nothing. Edith is the better opposite of Sophia in a way. Sophia had dark brown short hair and wore bold makeup that contrasted just enough to make her dark black eyes stand out as if they were some rare color. She was thin yet curvy in all the right places. Often looked angry and innocent at the same time. Her movements were subtle and sexual. Sophia was a straight tease to any guy who met eyes with her.

Edith was the closest to a contrast. She was sweet and wore things to a delicacy. Her style could range anywhere from light fitted to jagged which made some of her days better than others. She wore the least amount of makeup but could never stray away from eyeliner and blush. Harvey hit the nail on the head when he called her beautiful.

I looked away from her once more to make sure I wasn't dumping my water bottle contents on to the floor but in the sink. "Word got around about Harvey's party. I figured since you have been so bored on the weekends that you might want to go to that." She looked at me without moving her head then smiled widely. "I know what you're thinking and that's not the case."

"I'm fine with being set up with Harvey. He already thinks I'm a treat to his eyes. Why not wind him up a little too?" Her shrug scared me only because it's the same thing Sophia did when she had the final say in something. A sign that there is no going back and what was said is said.

The bell has rung and we were late. Edith used to care about being late and now it's a sin if she's not. I dragged my bag off the counter and made my way out of the girl's bathroom. The halls were clear but never quiet. I could always hear the giggles of students who either skipped or the teachers don't close their doors during a lesson. I once bumped into Harvey and Sophia who were making out right on the corner of a hall. It didn't get embarrassing until she told me that I should lose a little weight and maybe I won't take up half the hall.

Once I made it to advanced biology, I took my spot on the second-row right behind Kit Richardson. He dyed his hair blue over spring break, and it has now washed down to a sky colored resemblance. It was times like this where I didn't really remember what his face looked like. I just know his hair is shoulder length and I often imagine myself running my hands through it just to lay down the strands that stick out. His girlfriend, April, would murder me but I know I can't be the only one who hates how chaotic he could look.

Kit was also Harvey's best friend. Great pitcher and could run around the field like a million bucks sat on the home plate waiting on him. During free time, that's all he could talk about. How great he is. But he never answers questions about Harvey. If anything, he avoids the subject. When asked about being so great yet Harvey is baseball captain, he gets tense. Almost like he's angry but can't get the emotion out. Thick eyebrows curve inward, and his smile is replaced by a pout. He's good at calming himself down.

"Miss Homes, if you could pay attention to what I'm saying it would be very beneficial to your current grade." Mrs. May rose her eyebrows at me which caused other eyes to land on me as well. I slid deeper into my seat when snickers were heard. She basically told people my grade in this class might be the biggest disappointment and she isn't wrong.

I didn't realize how much I was sulking until people started to get up and pack just as Mrs. May sat down to read her book. Kit was up and shoving things in his bag and I subconsciously watched him over my glasses. His eyes briefly brushed past mine before adjusting his bag straps then heading towards the exit. I got up to do the same since staring got me nowhere for the fifth time.

"Frank Sinatra." The coarse voice startled me, but I knew who it was. Kit always participated in class and his voice is just one of those that stick. I was perplexed and he knew it. "She's giving us a one answer quiz in which we have to answer who is her favorite artist that she's talked about during her teachings since tomorrow is her birthday. I figured you were lost in your head so I'm giving you a heads up. She talked about Frank Sinatra today so..."

Confused but very grateful, I replied "thank you."

"No problem."

The last bell rung for today and I wouldn't have to hear it again until Monday. The classroom dispersed into the crowded hall as students rushed to their cars, bikes, buses, or however they got home. Of course, I drove to school. I couldn't stand taking the bus and I couldn't stand asking for rides. The second I got my license; I got a car and I've been happy ever since. It's also a dangerous activity for me since I often forget I'm behind the wheel and find my thoughts in other parts of the universe.

Like right now I was on my way home and most people would be thinking about which turn to make or street to avoid. I'm thinking about what I'm going to wear to the party tonight and how I'm even going to be able to tolerate Edith gushing over Harvey for the whole night. I might just ditch her and find someone who hates him just as much as Edith used to. One of those people can't be hard to find. There are literally groups made to hate the popular guys and girls. Especially the cocky ones on sports teams with winning streaks and girlfriend snatching hogs.

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