Chapter 2

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Eva Stevenson was her name and getting things her way was her game.  Eva had a special way of making others do her bidding. I don't know how but she did, as I reached the school I'm walking to my locker and I can see Eva standing there waiting for me. We always meet at my locker to talk before the first bell, the first topic of conversation would always be about Noah and Jake. Jake Ross is Noah best friend, Jake has had the biggest crush on me since we shared a blanket during nap time. He's been in love with me, like infatuated with me but I'd never look at him like that he's more of a brother to me. "Hey girl, I missed you." Eva exclaimed. I rolled my eyes " You just saw me yesterday." I said sarcastically. She looked at me and we just laughed and kept talking. Noah and Jake were walking in our direction and we seen Noah wink our way. I smiled slightly thinking it was for me. " Did you see that Noah just winked at me!" I said to Eva, she looked at "Girl no way tat was for me !" she said jokingly. There was a moment of silent between us. I was felt like Eva and I were always in a competition, especially when it came to guys. I mean anytime I seem to like a guy she always ends up dating them. She could tell it was bothering me so she spoke " You know I'm just playing, he's not even my type." The air was so dead, tension was high. "Okay what do you think about Jake?" I said hoping to change the subject. I heard her say something  under her breath "That-- that was -- that was close." is what I thought she said. I didn't think to ask but some things have a way of coming full circle. "Jake is cute and his eyes are really pretty, but I think you two would be really cute together." I look at her with worry like why would she say that she know I like and want only Noah. I look at her hoping she doesn't-- no, no she couldn't-- she wouldn't not him. I need to know, I need to know if she likes him "Hey can I ask--" she cuts me off "Oh sorry but I really need to tell you something about Noah." said Eva "RING! RING!" that's the bell. "Just tell me later okay." I tell her as I rush off to class.

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