Chapter 19

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There were candles and roses all around, there were blankets and pillows and a laptop with a bag next to it. it looked like a wonderland I felt so special. "Guess who?" a voice whispered in my ear "Noah did you do all this for me?" I blushed "I've been wanting to do something likes for you for a while, I've also wanted to tell you loved you for so long, I know you love me and you want me as much as I want you so why don't we take that chance?" he said, I was still looking at the scenery. "You know why..." "So break up with, Jake would want you to be happy." "I don't want to talk about Jake right now I just want to be with you." He went to grab something, a speaker when he hit play Ed Sheeran's "Perfect." came on. "Do you want to dance." he asked "I would love to." he grabbed me and held me tight. Every now and than he would sing a few lyrics "Well, I found a woman, stronger than anyone I know she shares my dreams, I hope that someday I'll share her home." Then he lifted my head and sung the next lyrics into my eyes. "Cause we were just kids when we fell in love, fighting against all odds. Then he kissed me it was soft and slowly, and filled with love and in this moment I'd made my choice. I knew how I truely felt and i was suppode to be with Noah. I feel bad but the heart wants what t wants. I- we have to break the news to Jake just not onight. "I love you Noah." i ssaid as i rest my head on his shoulder and we justed swayed and dance for a while, and when we dance it felt like eveything in world was right, like all the bad turned good. We stopped dancing after the fourth song  "What now?" I asked "Well I do have one more surprise, we have a latop so lets watch a movie." "Okay what movie?" "I brought yur favortie movie of all time." he said and I instaly knew what he was talking about. "You didn't but how did you get it." "I keep me copy from when we were kids hoping for a night like tonight." "I can't belive you still have High School Musical." I was so exstastic "Not only do I have it I got your favortive snack as well." he said. I couldn't do anythin but hug him, we sat down and ate the snacks and the cuddled and watch the rest of the movie. We must have fallen asleep when I checked to see the time is was 3:15 am I rooled over and Jake was there rocking him self "Jake what are you doing here? I asked hime "HOW COULD YOU. I LOVE YOU AND YOU DIDNT HAVE THE NEVRE TO TELL ME, WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME, HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME !!!" I screamed myself awake. My scream woke Noah up and fightened him "Babe you okay what happened?" he was worriedly "I'm fine it was just a bad dream." I said "Do you want to talk about it?" he asked "No, I'm fine just hold me, please." he did just that he held me so tightly we were like this for at least 10 minitues than we desiced to leave and go to bed, we got downt the treehouse and I tried giving Noah his jacket back but he wouldn't let me. "No you keep it, it looks better in you anyways." "Goodnight Jessy." he said "Jessy?... I like it" we laughed "Noah I really don't feel like being alone right now, will you stay the night we me?" Iasked him with a pouty face "Of course I will" and than we went to my house.

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