Chapter 18

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This  kiss was unlike anything before, it was tender and slow very sensual, but in the mist of this moment I had to stop Jake was waiting for me and who knows how long it would take me to talk to Noah. "Noah...Noah stop we can't do this we have to tell him that your best friend, I cant do this, I'm sorry." I tell him as I get from under him, I fix my lipstick and my hair and head back to the table. "Hey what took so long, is he okay?" Jake asked he seemed really concerned about Noah. "He's fine he wasn't feeling well, I think he said he was gonna leave and get some meds." I told the group "Oh without saying goodbye, speak over the devil hey you are you okay Jess said you weren't feeling well." "Yeah my stomach upset must be something I ate. I'll see you guys later." Noah said has he left "Noah wait, I'll tell your mom what happened so she isn't worried." I told him he lightly smiled "Well that was kind of you Jess." Eva said "Yeah we you know we've been neighbors sic we were little and our moms are like best friends." I say to clafify. However if they only ment what that phase ment to us, when ever on of says we'll tell the other mom that was code for meet me at the treehouse at midnight, I'll admit it is a weird code but we were 8. It was getting pretty late, and I was getting sleepy "Hey baby can we go im  a bit tired and want to lay down, E this was a great night and it was good seeing you again, call you tomorrow." I said as we made our exit, we got in the car and for most of it we just listen to the radio, as we got closer to my house he turned the music down "Hey" he put his had on my knee "You okay you seem shaken up, you know you can tell me anything." he said reassuring me. How am I suppose to say "Yeah I really like you and your and amazing guy but my heart still is with Noah, by the way we also made out passionately in the hallway." I don't think would go over well "Yeah I know but I'm fine really." We reach my house he kisses me on the cheek, As I'm walking on my porch I notice somethings have been added but I didn't want Jake to see so I just went in the house. I waited for him to  pull off then I went back outside, I turned the flashlight on my phone it was and note and jacket, I grabbed the note and read it aloud "That was a good call with the code phase, he wear this it would better on you anyways, and you know where to meet me. I smiled from ear to ear when I saw it was is varsity jacket, he never lets anyone wear it. It smelled so amazing "buzz, buzz" I look at my phone and my smile quickly disappeared  From: Unknown- We go from being with Jake to kissing Noah and now a love note, would be a shame if someone told poor innocent Jacob -xoxo. As much as I don't want to agree with this text its right we need to tell Jake but when. I put that in the back of my mind for now, this time is all about Noah, I  climbed  up the latter and once I get up the what I see is just absolutely astonishing... 

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