Chapter 20

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Once we got to my room I turned on the lights and went to change into my pj's Noah was glacing atmy walls and decrations. "Hey what all theses awards for?" he shouted "Drama coimpetions." I yelled back "You have so many." he said. I came out of the bathroom with black and white booty shorts and a black bralette, his eyes looked up and down my nbody his mouth was wide open, I'm flattered. "Close your mouth silly, I'm just wearing pj's." I giggled as I removed the extra pillows from the bed. "Can I ues your bathroom?" he asked  "Yeah and you don't have to ask." I said back, I got in bed and waited for him to get out of the bathroom, however while I was waiting I got a text message From: Unknown- Your really walking on thin ice having Noah tay the night-xoxo . I was so into my phone I didn't even hear him come out so he decied to throw his shirt at me and when i looked up my mouth flew wide open, "Close your mouth silly, its just my body." he chucled. That wasn't no regular chest his boy was hand built by like a God or something it was perfect. "Shut up, and get over here." I pointed from him to come to me and he did, he was now on top of me staring into my eyes, he came down and kissed me, I kissed him back, "I love you Jessy." "I love when you call me that." he than rolled over and laid to next me and got on his phone and I started to take off my makeup "Hey, can I ask you a question? "Sure shoot." "Why do you do that?" "Do what?" "Wear all that makeup, you don't need it at all your natural face is your true beauty." he said "Thanks babe, who knows I just may stop." I took all of my makeup off and he me closer to him "Come cuddle mamas." he cuddled right next to me so that way I was little spoon, "Goodnight Noah I love you." "Goodnight Jessy I love yo more." then we felt off to sleep.

Noah's POV

I wake up before Jess and I wanted to do something for her, so I went down stairs and made her breakfast. It was about 9 AM so hopefully no one was up and when I got to the kitchen her mom was there I thought I was toast. "Good morning Noah, what time did you get in?" she asked. "Good morning Mrs. Sanchez, your no upset that I'm here?" "Of course not honey, your like family and between you and me I'm glad your her that wat Jess can stop talking about you." I smiled at the fact she always talks about me. "Where is Dr.Sanchez?" "He had to do a surgery today, well I'm gonna head up and get ready for work do you need anything." she asked "Can I use your kitchen I wanted to make Jessy so me breakfast." I asked I hoped she say yes "Go ahead her favorite is pancakes." he mom walked away. I got to work in that kitchen I was whipping it up in there. I made her favorite pancakes, bacon, eggs, and fresh orange juice as I'm walking up the stairs, I'm thinking about what a great girl she is and how I'm so lucky to have her, should have told her sooner. I set the food on her night stand and I was looking at how beautiful she is, I lightly stroked her hair off her face "Baby, Baby wake up." I whispered in her ear "Mmmmm" she moaned "Baby I made you breakfast." I whispered again "Mmmm, food I'm up" I laughed. "Babe you made this for me, thank you." She was so happy you know the way to a girls heart is food. "Its so good you know your the only person to ever make me breakfast and dinner. Your amazing" she kissed me. When we got done we turned on the TV and watched spongebob. We were cuddling when her mom called out "Someone is at the door for you". We both went into stress mode for it could be Eva or worst Jake either way we need a plan. I quickly remembered this morning and I had a plan but she has to follow my lead " follow my lead and go along with it." "What?! Fine." We got down the stairs and she gave me one last kiss She went to open the door when I realized she was still wearing my hoodie. She opened the door and I could hear a voice "Hey babe, you went answering your phone." I knew it was Jake I waited a bit and I walked behind Jess and his eyes went directly to me "What are you doing here." He asked I could he wasnt playing games. "Jessy mom asked me to come over and help plan my parents anniversary party." "I'll see you later Jessy good seeing you man." I walked away when I looked back she was looking at me so winked backed and went the house.
Jessica's POV
"Why is he calling you Jessy? And why didn't you answer the phone you had me worried?" He asked " 'Jessy' is his nickname for me when we were kids and my phone was dead and I just put it on the charger." "You didn't have to drive all the way here." "I did didn't you get any if my text messages." I checked my phone and he did leave me countless amount of texts. From: Jake- Goodmorning love, I had so much fun last night. From: Jake- Are you okay? From: Jake- Babe? From: Jake- I'm starting worry From: Jake- I'm coming over see ya in 10

"Well I'm glad your here I wanted to talk to you" I told him "Me too I have the perfect day planned for us, grab tour favorite 5 outfits and bring them." he said "Babe, okay but-" "No buts whatsoever, anything you wanna talk about we can talk about later right?" He looked a t me with his puppy dog face "Right we can talk later, it what's that important." Here we go..

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