Chapter 15

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After I got of the phone with Eva, I hooped in the shower. Thought of Noah ran through my mind, the dinner date, us in his room, the by pass this morning, and him in my room. I soon hear a voice in my head; it was Jake I can hear him asking me to be his girlfriend I look down at the ring he gave me as the water splashed off of it. I get out, dry my hair throw it up in a messy bun, I throw on a crop top and some shorts with thigh high socks. I sit on my bed and call up Jake, the phone rung three times so I assumed he was busy but like clock work my phone ranged with the name "Jake" popping across the screen I quickly answer the phone "Hey baby, I thought you were busy." I say to start the conversation "Sorry babe I just got out the shower when the phone had rung, I was thinking about you all morning though, what you doing ma?" he say in a causal tone "I just got finished with my run and I too just got the shower. So I was wondering about something." I say as I let my voice trail off a bit "Yeah what is it babe?" he asked with a worried voice "Well... you know we've never been on a real date yet so I was wondering if you were busy tonight?" I asked "For you, I'm never busy but what are you saying?" he asked I know he knows what I'm talking about I think he's just playing mind games "Do you wanna go to Dink's bowling alley tonight, say around 8pm but you can pick me up at 7pm." I finally say. He say yes and we said our goodbyes. I am really looking forward to going on this date with Jake even if it's a double date, but I think would be good for all of us. Noah and Jake haven't spoke in a while and I've been avoiding Eva, but mostly I wanted to show Noah that I'm happy with Jake and that this past ship has sailed. I texted Eva a few hours later to see if she got Noah to go. To:Eva- Did you ask Noah is he gonna go? Jake is in. I wait for her to respond I make the choice to go outside in my skimpy little outfit but just to sit on the porch. I would have went in the backyard but Noah's always back there and I walk out and take a deep breath of fresh air. I start taking pictures a few moments later, minding my own business when all of a sudden I hear someone say something "Don't you think you should change." I look over my shoulder to the right and of course he's on the porch, he must have been there for a while he was reading a book and by the half eaten sandwich and half cup soda he's been here for a while. "The one day I want to be in the front your here." is what I wanted to say. Instead I kept my cool "Excuse me, I didn't realize I was bothering you on my lawn, and anyways why are you looking shouldn't you be reading." I say with a bit of sass in my voice "I was reading but its kinda hard to read when you out her looking this fine, it should be a crime, really." He said with a smirk on his face. I walked toward my house to go inside because I just couldn't take it anymore. "I hope your going to change!" he shouted "Whatever!" I shouted back I should have kept going, why did I stop he called out to me and what he said threw me for a loop. "So, I guess I'll see you tonight." "What... I don't know what your talking about." I quickly answered back. I really hope she didn't give the joke up by telling him I'm going or even worst did she tell him about Jake. And sure enough I got a text from Eva From:Eva-Yeah, about that I asked him and he said no so then I said you were going and then he said he would think about it but it was kinda weird. He's suppose to give me an answer later, Don't worry I didn't tell him about Jake. I swear this girl can't do anything but take other people's mans. I texted her back To:Eva- You are terrible, he wasn't suppose to know I was going... but I just saw him outside and he said he gonna see me later so I think he's gonna go, I really hopes this works8pm. I sent the message I go down stairs into the kitchen, fixed me a bowl of fruit went in the living room and started watching some Netflix to pass time, I turned on Netflix and Vampire Diaries was on it was the episode where Elaina was telling Bonnie that she may possible love Stefan and Damon and she didn't know what to do. In a way I kinda get what she's going thru I mean yeah I still have feelings for Noah but I really want to make this work or at least give it a fair try with Jake. As time passed I  began to wonder if tonight is a bad, after awhile of thinking I began to dose off. By the time I wake up it's 6:30 pm I jump up and rush up stairs seeing as I didn't plan my outfit before hand. After rummaging thru my closet I find this cute grey sweat outfit, I pair it with a white crop top and white sneakers. I throw my hair up in sleek ponytail. I then texted Jake and told him to come get me he responded and said he was five minutes away. I waited  in my room and I don't know why but I felt the urge  to look out the window no being me and Noah bedroom are on the same level my window goes straight across to his window. I pulled back my curtain and he walk out it looked like he just got out of the shower, he had a towel wrapped around his waist and his body was glistening as if he was Edward Collins in the sunlight, His abs were just beautiful and his V-Line was just out there, I should've looked away but I didn't. How could I look away, he cheated his body more towards the window making poses in his mirror he turned his head and we straight on eye contact for like a minute. I was so embarrassed before I closed my curtain he winked at me, I shut the curtain and slide down the wall I don't even wanna think about it. "Honk! Honk!" I grab my things and go outside. I see Jake holding the door open for me he is such a gentlemen,  I ran up to him and gave him biggest hug ever, he smile grew and I could tell he was a bit thrown off by my actions. "Are we going to Dink's right now?" he asked " No, I figured we could go eat first, if you want to, we don't have to." I say as I'm looking out the window "Of course I was kinds hungry anyway but only one one condition." he said with a little grin on his face "What?" I asked "We'll go but you have to let me pay." He said I agreed and he took me to this fine Asian restaurant and our waiter came and sat us down, we went and got our food as we started to, we talked and laughed at are old memories and it was really nice and I couldn't have asked for a better night. "So, you you're my boyfriend?" I said in a silly tone, "Yeah, and you're my girlfriend? I still can't believe this." He said with his silly voice "You can't believe what?" I asked him tilting my head in a playful mood "That your actually here, with me on this date." He smiled "So I want to know why you never say anything to me, about you crush on me?" I asked finally he looked up from his plate and into my eyes as if he was staring in to my soul "Well I knew I liked you ever since I laid eyes on my, I knew there was something about you. Your so sweet and caring for other and I love how you put other people needs before your own, do you remember in the 3rd grade when I think his name was Joey or something spilled his apple juice on me and made it look like I peed myself and you were the only one that didn't laugh, you helped cleaned me off and right there and then I knew you were the one ." He said with the most sincere voice. I had to think about it but I do remember when that happened, I just remember saying "This isn't funny and someone should help him." "I can't believe you still remember that, I mean it and since we're telling the truth I did think you were cute." I told him, his face lit up so bright we finally finished eating and the time was 7:35pm so we had a little time before we go to the bowling alley, we get back to his car and something takes over my body I'm practically attacking his face. He didn't stop me either, his hands felt so good on my body as he pulled me closer to him and he never broke our kiss. I ran my fingers thru his hair, and he moaned in my ear slightly. Slowly and softly I planted kisses all on his neck, we just like hungry animals in the wild. Our breath patterns ending up syncing up, with every kiss getting more and more intense. In the middle of our passionate moment my phone ranged I didn't even look t see who it was "Yes, what?!" I said with a angry in to the phone "Hey girl, its me where are you Noah is getting antsy. Are you on your way?" she asked I look at the time and realize it was ten past eight "Yeah okay bye." Is said as I hung up the phone. We did our touch ups and headed to the bowling alley. I couldn't say what I wanted because than Jake would know what's going on, and I don't want to ruin our moment by bringing up Noah.

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