Chapter 6

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As I make my way to Jake's house I am actually happy to go over there. He's a good guy and he's has impeccable grades. I'm really happy that he choose me to be his partner. He's so sweet and I know this is his dream, I mean the girl he's had crush on since we were young is now coming over to his house, I myself am still in shock. Halfway to Jake's house I began thinking about Noah and how much I wanted to work with him even if it was just studying. There is a thought that creeps in the back of my mind, like who sent my that message and how did they know what they know. When I get to Jake's house, I managed to get to the porch and I just pray he doesn't have candles knowing him he would.

Jake's POV
I'm looking in the mirror at my outfit, thinking I should change but I don't. I dont know why I'm so nervous it's not like the girl of my dreams is coming over to my house. I hear a knock at the door... Okay, okay she is here be cool. I g ok yo the door palms sweating, heart racing, "Who is it?" I say trying to play cool "Jessica." I hear her sweet voice say. I opened the door and it's like everything stopped she was wearing this amazing jumpsuit she was drip dead gouresous. " Hey you alright, you look like you saw a ghost." She says playfully, " Yeah I'm good, you look amazing, come in." I tell her

Jessica's POV
He looks really good, he so sweet and I could tell he loved my outfit, he couldn't take his eyes off of me. I step inside his house and I hug him and buy did he smell good. "So you ready?" I asked he smile and said "Yes." This is so different I mean my mind isnt even on Noah, all I was thinking about is how much fun I'm having with Jake. He's really cool and smart, we even made cookies while we studied. " I have to tell you something." I say to him "What's going on?" He say to me " I have to be honest, I was a little nervous about coming here." I hope this dosen't make anything awkward. "Its okay, is it because of me, did I do do something wrong?" He asks and he looked so so sad he just kept looking down at the ground. It is because of him but he didnt do anything wrong and I would never tell him that. "No, you didnt do anything wrong, it's just I wasnt expecting to have such a great one with you." I say and smile warmly, he face stared to glow and we kept working in project. We worked so hard by time we even looked at the clock it was time for me to go home. Begin the gentlemen that he is Jake walked me out but before I left I said " I had so much fun and would like to hang out again." I gave him a good bye hug and when I pulled away u felt something pull my arm back. It was Jake and before I knew it I was back in the house with Jake's lip against mine, it was warm and soft, I didnt pull back or push him off of me. I think I kinda liked it, we pulled away and glazed into each other eyes. My cheeks feel flushed an I blushing. He smiles and say "I'm sorry." "Dont be." I said with a smirk and I walk out. As I'm walking home all I was thinking about is that kiss. I get home and I receive two new messages one was from Jake and the other was from an Unknown number. From: Jake - I had fun time with you, and I look forward to seeing you in class, so goodnight. I smile at my phone but that smile is soon brought down  when I look at the other text I received From: Unknown - Arent you happy that Jake kissed you so now you can definitely stay the hell away from Noah, thank babe- xoxo

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