Chapter 9

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I call an uber to come pick me up from school, my head is pounding and I feel really sick.  I finally make it back home, I go up the ascending staircase, I hop in my warm comfy bed and try to go to sleep. As I'm laying in my bed my mind is racing, all I can think about is what am I going to say to Jake when I see him, or what in the hell is Noah going to tell me. My head is rushing, like a truck just smack dead hit me in the face, I try to catch some Z's but I couldn't, I just sat up and looked at my phone. I don't why but I did I waited and waited maybe for a call or for a text from someone, text messages always comes around this time. I thought about what I was gonna wear, he said he wanted me to wear something pretty. I shuffle  in my closet to try to find something to wear. Something light and flowy, ah I see it a beautiful sundress, its blue with white poka dots. My phone starts buzzing and I particularly sprinted to my bed when I picked it up it was a miss class from Noah. Damn it why didn't I get to the phone in time, I wonder what he wanted. My mind is also on Jake, just the thought of out kiss made me smile. The warm contact that we made the way he looked at me almost like sparks were flying. By time I look at the clock it's 4:30pm, how did I let the time slip past me like that, I hurry in get in the shower and I throw on my dress and prepare myself for what's to come... I have been dreading  this conversation. To: Jake - Hey there, so we still talking today right? Do you think you can come over to my house I've been feeling a bit under the weather. I finish  doing my makeup and wait for a response. My buzzes I look at my screen and to my demise it was from Eva. From: Eva - Please don't be mad at me, I wanted to tell you but I didn't know how. I know how you feel about him but I didn't think you would have minded. Look you are my best friend and I don't wanna lose you over some boy, please talk to me. How can she even talk to me right now, she just doesn't get how livid I am it's almost like she broke my trust in her. No matter if Noah and I never even spoke she knew how I felt bout him. She just shouldn't have crossed that line. My phone finally chimes again and of course it's a message from Jake this time. From: Jake - Yeah I'm out side you house now, so should I just come in. I smile slightly an get this feeling that I only used to get around Noah, I look at myself in the mirror one more time to make sure I still looked good and walked all down the long set of stairs, I come to the door and I start breathing hard, my nerves are kicking in. I can hear his music playing through the door. I twist the knob and open the door and there he is, soaring above me, looking fine as ever, and he smelted amazing. I gestured for him to come in, when he came in his face was priceless, but I totally get it my parents have expensive taste. " Hey, are you feeling better, heard you caught a bug, so I brought you something?" he said "You brought me something, you didn't have to." Isn't he the sweetest, what am I doing. " I know but I wanted to make sure that you would feel better, so he we have it my famous homemade chicken soup, some nice hot chocolate, and some vape rub to help open up you chest." "You are just the sweetest thing ever." I said softly to him. I had this sudden urge to kiss him and that's what I did I kissed him my lips caught contact with his, It was soft and warm and serene it was very nice. " What did I do to deserve that." he ask me with a shocked look on his face "Your just really sweet." we just looked into each other eyes and it was like fireworks, this sudden rush of adrenaline, next thing I know he has me pinned up against the wall kiss my neck, whatever we were going to talk about about when out the door when we kissed. It was like we were animals, we practicaly were ripping each other clothes off. " Let's go to my room." I whispered into his ear in a very sensual tone, he must had been shocked with what I just said. Hell I couldn't believe what I just said either but at the time I didn't care. "Fine, but we're gonna do this the right way." he said with his voice deepened we stopped dead in our tracks, he just looked at me and didn't say anything " What do you mean the right way, did we do something wrong." I asked him kinda in a scared tone I looked at him with my sad puppy dog eyes  " What? No you did nothing wrong, I just want to make sure this is perfect when I ask you." he said to me. The first thought that came to mind was he purposing, I'm am so not ready for marriage " Ask me what? Just say it." I told him I wanted him to spit it out,  my head was racing with ideas. " Jessica Sanchez will you..."

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