Chapter Nine: It's Raining Coins!

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As the bird thing grabbed Alex by the neck, we all went into fear and heard what the bird said. "DON'T TOUCHED MY GOLD! GIVE IT BACK OR I'LL TEAR YOU TO PIECES!", the bird told him as he flung Alex to the couch. Afterwards, the bird left immediately. After seeing what has happened, I went over to check on Alex. "Are you okay?", I asked him. "Alex, why would you open that door?! You idiot!", Joey shouted at him. As I helped Alex up, he explained that he just saw something outside the door. "What he say? What he say?", Colleen asked. Alex told us that the bird told him that he wants back the coin that we just got.

My Confession: You know, the least the bird could do was just ask for it back nicely...

"Guys, I found a note on the ground.", I told the group while picking up the scroll. After opening it up, I read it.

Garuda's traded his soul for gold. And you soon will do the same. Gather as many coins as you can. Because the two with the fewest coins at the end, will be forced into the final challenge.

After reading the note, everyone started to talk about how this challenge was so messed up. "It's like every man for ourselves. Go find as many coins as we can?", Gabbie stated. "Guys, something tells me that our next clue in order to find the third key, is to go out and find the bird's coins...", I told them all while starting to walk However, everyone looked at me like if I was crazy or something. But that was until I spotted an elephant statue with a sign to an Indian exhibit. "There's our next exhibit outside. Come on!", I told them all while continuing to walking . Everyone else, followed me outside.

Out in the India Exhibit

Once we all got outside, I took a good look at this exhibit outside. It was absolutely beautiful to look at.

My Confession: I am living for this exhibit! There's jewels and gold everywhere. I might as well go take a trip to India when all of this is over.

"Everyone stay low to the ground...", I whispered to the group. We all saw the bird walking over to his big chest full of valuable treasures, and walked away ten seconds later. "He's looking for something.", Colleen said. "Must be the coin that we have.", I said while walking out of the bushes slowly. Brentman asked if it was a good time to go, so we all just ran straight to the treasure immediately to find some coins. "Oh, I'm going to enjoy this... A lot!", I said to myself while digging into the beautiful treasure chest. As I'm still looking and admiring all of the jewelry I see, Colleen and Joey said that they found a scroll. The scroll talked about how we can get the coins if we all can make a long rod from one of the lamps all the way to the water fountain in front of us. "You guys, what if we just have to connect them anyway we can? So if we hold hands and reach for both-", Alex said as we all heard him. I understood what he meant, and heard DeStorm telling us that these are the only two lamps in front of us that are like ten foot steps away from the fountain.

My Confession: So basically, what we have to do, is all hold hands in a straight line while the first person touches the lamp, and the last person touches the fountain. I hope that this idea works, because I'm not holding Timothy's hand for nothing.

As we're all holding hands, Joey tells Gabbie to touch the water. As she did, and light appeared on the fountain and we all got another clue. The clue said something about someone never forgetting something, and Colleen pointed out quickly that it was an elephant. So we all start to search around the treasure again, and I find the elephant. "Guys, it looks like a piggy back.", I told the group while seeing Joey coming up with the coin. As he puts it inside the elephant, the fountain shoots out a lot of golden coins to everyone's surprise. "GRAB THEM!", I shouted as everyone went for the coins immediately. I started piling up some, but everyone else was going insane.

My Confession: It's like getting candy from a piñata at a children's birthday party...

As I continued to grab some coins, I felt a hand on top of mine when I spotted another coin. I looked up and saw Alex looking at me. "Here, you can have it...", I told him quietly. But all he did was just smiled and gave me the coin. "No, no! It's fine. I promise...", he whispered to me as I blushed. After a very long time of grabbing coins, Tana noticed a chest with a note on it.

Sacrifice two coins by tossing them in the fountain to open. Decide carefully! Those with the fewest coins left at the end, will be forced into the final challenge.

After reading the note, everyone started to say how many coins each of them had. Gabbie said that she has 14. Tana also said that she has 14, too. Timothy has 15. Colleen has 28. Joey has 24. Ro has 18. Brentman has 30 (SURPRISINGLY!). Alex has 12. I have 20. And DeStorm said that he has 13. "Let us see! You're acting shady.", Colleen said to DeStorm. I was actually agreeing with her, and so was everyone else.

My Confession: DeStorm said that he has 13 coins. But it wouldn't kill him to show us that he's telling the truth. Either that, or he doesn't want to go into the final challenge.

"Show us your coins, so you can prove that you're telling the truth.", I told DeStorm off. Everyone else told him off too, but DeStorm was still refusing to show us all his coins. As we kept on asking him to show us, Brentman came up to the fountain to toss two of his coins into it. "Finally, someone here that's helpful to the group.", I said in my mind. As Brentman dropped two of his coins into the fountain, another note appeared. I looked at it and told the group what it was asking for. "The note says that there are two spots to find both of Garuda's blades: Heaven and Hell. Half of us have to go back into the museum, and the other half stays out here. However, we need to be careful. Because if Garuda captures one of us, he gets to take half of your coins.", I explained to the group.

My Confession: So in order to defeat Garuda, we have to find his blades. One's in Heaven. And one's in Hell. Luckily, I'm sticking with Heaven!

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