Chapter 15: Don't Leave me Alone

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Where do I start? My head still pounding from last night ? August sneaking his way down into my kitty Kat? (Also that's another reason why my head hurts) or that it's a busy day today ? Well, let's just say that I had got 3 invitations today... Girls night out with Beyonce, Baby Shower Planning with my brother Drake and Woman to Woman talk with Mrs. Jane and Danielle. Honestly, during that "Woman to Woman" talk, if Danielle have some smart comments to say... Best and believe that I'll jump over that freaking table. August was on the phone talking to God knows who and from what I'm hearing, he's busy too.

"Yeah... We'll figure something out by tonight." August said, in the phone.

Listening to the conversation until he got off... I patiently waited for a second and then looked at him.

"Baby... Who was that?" I asked him. He then looked up at me, not knowing what to say at first.

"Ohhhhh... That was the guys trying to work on some music." He responded.

"No what are yall working on?" I asked, not believing him.

"Hold you down music video..." He said.

"Ok... Well are you gonna be with me today?" I asked him.

"No... Actually I'm not... I have to go on tour with the guys for a month... That's why I was waiting for you to wake up so that I can say goodbye." August said, kissing my lips as I didn't kiss back.

"Wait... How come you never told me?" I asked him.

"Because I didn't want you breaking down.. Crying." He said, touching my face.

"And you think I won't now..? Listen, you're leaving for a month... I can barely even take care of myself with this baby in my stomach... I'm gonna need your help... Especially around this house. I can barely even reach the cabinets." I said, eyes getting big.

"I promise... The month will go fast... In plus, we can just call each other day and night okay... But I have to go ... I love you." He said, as he rushed out the door.

That's just great... Now I'm gonna be alone and bored for a month because he has to do this stupid tour while I'm pregnant with his baby.

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