Chapter 17: Baby's Favorite God-Father

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Meeting up with Drake and my favorite old man, Mr. Dennis, Drake's Father... I then spotted the store they were talking about. Carter's! To believe it or not, their baby clothes are actually nice and cute. I wonder if I will have a boy or girl?! Drake spotted me looking around and randomly picked me up. I'm guessing this nigga forgot that I had a baby in my stomach already.

"The hell?!?" I said, feeling the pain in my stomach. "That hurts you know !"

"I'm sorry but what's up sis! Haven't seen you ever since that Anaconda video." He said, laughing. "Good Times !"

"Chill out... But I know, August is still a little pissed off about it but like I said... It was only acting." I said, shrugging my shoulders.

"Acting !?!? Well you're a good a** actress because that shit felt real !" Drake said, surprised.

"Shut up! " I said, laughing. Mr. Dennis then came over.

"Hey ! There she is !" Mr. Dennis said, hype as he reached for a hug.

"Hey Mr. Dennis." I said, smiling as I gave him a hug.

"How are you?" Mr. Dennis asked me. "Haven't seen you in a while."

"I'm good. How about you ? And I know, I have to come around more." I asked him.

"I'm fine dear. Aye! I heard that you were pregnant." He said, happy.

"Yes. My first child." I responded.

"You'll love it... Drake's Mother and I was nervous at first but comes to find out... It's not so bad after all." He said.

"Oh really? Because Drake's a pain in the a**!" I said, joking.

"So are you ." Drake said.

"Well yeah, but the good thing about it is that you can be there for your child, help them with school and when they get older, they'll learn from you." He finish his sentence.

"Well ok. I guess it won't be so bad." I said.

"But congrats... Right now, I have to go back home and check on his mother." He said, rushing out. "See you later dear."

"Ok." I waved.

"So what's been going on lately? Like any pain? Anything you don't want your child to have?... like what?" Drake asked me.

"Well you know... I didn't have a mother or a father growing up. I mean I did but you know, I basically raised myself. I lost my grandmother who was very close to me when I was nine. After she pasted away.. Things has been getting very rough.. Dad and mom slinging drugs.. And you know... I just don't want my son or my daughter to have the same childhood. I want them to actually have a father and a mother they can go to. Have a shoulder to lean on when times get rough. So yeah, most likely everything's been a difficult time for me only because I'm scared that I might be in my mother's situation and August might be in my father's situation. I don't want that." I said, explaining to him that I want my child to be happy.

"Yeah... I know you how you feel Morgan. But listen, as long you and August are together and taking care of this baby, there's no guarantee that your child/ my god son/ daughter will have the same childhood as you . You just got to work things out sometimes.. You feel me?" He said, understanding, looking at baby clothes.

"Yeah I feel you." I replied.

I get what Drake is saying but anything can happen over time. August and I can get a divorce. Or he may abuse me or force me to do drugs. I mean I don't want that to happen but you'll never know... Anything can possibly happen in a period of time. Hopefully my child doesn't have the same childhood as me. As we continued to shop, we found this cute Jordan's outfit.

"OMG! Look at this !" I yelled, hype.

"Yes... I hope you have a boy so that he'll have the same swag as his god son." He said, feeling himself.

"Oh gosh." I said, laughing as we kept on shopping.

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