Chapter 4

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Matthew's POV

        During my shower, I thought about all the changes I would endure if I did move to California. I would have most of the guys there with me, but still, there's a lot that comes with moving almost 3,000 miles and 40 hours away from my hometown. Instead of letting my head run wild, I decided that it would be best to make a "Pros and Cons" list on my phone after I got out of the shower. While I was getting dressed, I began to come up with a little list in my mind, and soon after, I was typing them down in my phone. I wasn't really done, but the "Pros" side had the following: more opportunities, near the beach, living close to the guys, bigger places, more things to do, easier to get started on my career, and having more people to choose from to collaborate with. My "Cons" side wasn't quite finished either, but it contained the following: not going to school anymore (that could be a pro, too), not playing football anymore, not seeing all of my friends, missing out on school events, not seeing my family a lot, living expenses are higher, and not being able to graduate with the kids I grew up with. I studied the list a little more and thought it would be a good time to talk to my parents about it. 

        When I entered the kitchen, I saw my mother taking something out of the oven and my dad setting the table. I saw my mom's face go from a small smile to a frown as she looked at the food she had burnt on accident. I came up behind her and examined what was supposed to be perfectly baked chicken, and I told her that we would be just fine with eating the somewhat over cooked poultry. Her smile was put back on her face, and soon after, she announced that lunch was ready. I piled the food my mom had practically slaved over on my plate, took a seat, and waited for everyone else. When they filled up the seats around the table, I reached in my khaki pants pocket, retrieved my phone and set it on the table. "Son, you know we all encourage you to socialize and interact with your friends and fans, but please, not at the table," my dad scolded while cutting up his chicken. He gestured me to put it up, but I implied that I was interested in moving to California and had typed some pros and cons on my phone. Mom interjected, "Well, let's hear them, shall we?" Dad agreed, so I started listing off the points in my list. After so many, I would explain what they meant and why they were important enough to be mentioned. I summed it all up by telling them that I think moving to Los Angeles was a good plan, due to the fact of it helping me reach my goals of being an actor or something in the lines of that. The discussion carried on throughout the lunch, and before it was all over, my mom and dad both decided to start looking for houses and jobs in LA. I got up to clear my plate of the leftover bones when I heard my parents say,"Matthew Lee, we think you should start saying your farewells to your friends. You know we'll visit, but still, you shouldn't just leave without giving them a heads up." I nodded, grabbed my phone, and started to text Nash.

        My text said,"Broooooo. Tell all the guys, tell ya momma, ya daddy, tell the press that Matt Espinosa is moving to Los Angeles, California, baby." A quick response came from Nash saying,"This is going to be great. While they're looking for a house or whatever, why don't you pack your stuff up and stay with all of us until they find it? Chill with all your friends for a week or so, get the full homeschooling program, and fly out." I sprinted down the stairs, almost tripped over Burnie, and dropped my phone in the process of telling my parents about Nash's brilliant idea. My parents were on-board with it, as long as I made time to say my good-byes to my family, also. 

        I called Nash to tell him the great news and discuss the plan. Today was Saturday, so we decided that I would fly out Tuesday. That gave me a week and two days until I was leaving Virginia. Not for good, but pretty close to it. Nash told me I should get my plane ticket soon, so I plopped down on my bed and opened up my laptop. While browsing through my ticket options, I remembered I needed to do the follow and mention spree on Twitter. I made a quick tweet that said,"Got some crazy news in store for y'all, but before I spill the beans, let's get #FollowMeMatt on the charts." I sent out the tweet and directly made another that said,"Also, if I follow you, I may DM you. I'll be mentioning a lot of you all, too. Stay tuned. Love y'all. <3"

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