Chapter 21

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Matthew's POV

        My first morning in California wasn't all that exciting. The boys and I tend to sleep more than we should, so when I woke up around seven, I knew I was going to be the only one stirring around. After eating a bowl of cereal, I dug around in my belongings, attempting to find my laptop. I settled into the couch downstairs and clicked on the T.V. for some background sound. Being in a near silent room for too long makes me uneasy. My laptop loaded up quickly and led me to my Twitter. The first thing I did was check Serenity's Twitter, of course. Her last tweet was late last night, saying,"More than happy my bestfriend is okay. Even though her wreck was pretty rough, she pulled through. Just a few scratches." I mumbled to myself, "That's why she left so suddenly." Instead of trying to pull information about Serenity from Twitter, I turned to Instagram for answers. Bobby and I hadn't really looked through her account as much as we did Twitter the other night.

        Serenity had over 500 pictures on her page, so I just kept scrolling and scrolling, looking for some kind of facts about her. I stumbled upon a picture of her and a older looking lady. When the picture caught my eye, I was pretty sure it was her mom or grandma standing next to her. As I read the caption below the captured memory, I discovered I had uncovered more than one unknown fact about Serenity. One, I knew the picture wasn't with her Grandma, but it was her mom. Another, her last name is Gallimore. The last piece of information was Serenity's mom wasn't with us anymore. She passed away a little while ago, but why she passed wasn't given out. 

        Now that I knew Serenity's last name, I went to my bestfriend on the Internet, Google. I typed and searched, "Serenity Gallimore in Los Angeles, California." It was a hit, right on the money. So many pictures came up and articles, too. Articles about when she was younger, her mom's story in the paper, and just things like that. From just reading through the articles on a few websites, so many things were thrown at me. Serenity lives in Venice and attends Venice High School. Her mother passed away in a car accident, leaving Serenity and her dad behind. "I know now why she looked so paralyzed with fear yesterday. I bet she was thinking of reliving what happened with her mom with Lizzie." I talked out loud, not realizing that I was. 

        "What was that you said, Matthew?" I was startled by whoever the voice was coming from. I looked over my shoulder to see Cameron trying to find something to drink. "Oh, hey, Cameron. I was just finding out some stuff about Serenity and putting it all together," I breathed out. Cameron jumped over the couch, landing right beside me and spilling some of his water on himself. "Well, alright. It's just water, so oh well. What did you find out? Anything that can help you find Serenity?" Cameron asked while scanning over what I had on my computer screen. I let out a sigh of releif and answered him in an excited tone. "Actually, dude, I found out exactly what school she goes to, a few things about her background, and even her last name." "I'm impressed, bro. You know how to find her now, though?" I put my head in my hands and shook my head. "I mean, I don't really know how to go about doing all of this. It sounds so perfect in my head, but is it really going to work? That's what I'm concerned about." "Matthew, you'll never know until you make your move." Cameron got up from the spot he was sitting in and left me to my thoughts.


        Later in the day is when all of the guys were up and ready. Sammy came in and asked if I wanted to go out with everyone. Instead of staying on my laptop, I decided to go and mess around the city. I grabbed my sunglasses and told Nash I wanted to drive. "Matt, you can drive Cameron's vehicle." Nash looked at Cameron, as if he was questioning if it was okay with him. Cameron looked worried. "You can drive me and the guys, Matthew, but you better be careful. Please." I walked out the apartment to go start up the SUV and texted Bobby to tell her I was doing just fine. She had texted me earlier today, but I forgot to reply. The SUV wasn't really made to hold all of the passengers we had, but we crammed into it. While pulling out, I asked, "Where to, boys?" Each one of us looked around, waiting for someone to speak up. "Fine, what about the boardwalk for a little while?" I chuckled. The boys all agreed to hit it up for a bit and see what was all going on. 

        It was a school day, but for some reason, so many fans started to show up soon after us getting out. Most of them respected our space and didn't crowd us too much. They would get a picture, talk to us for a little bit, and back off from us. I assume a lot of them are learning that if they don't freak out and cause a big distraction, we will be able to stay around way longer and hang out more. I asked someone to take a group picture of all of the guys and I. I made a tweet and captioned it, "Out on the boardwalk. We'll be here for a while, so come out and find us. Don't make a big scene and we'll be able to chill longer with you all!" 


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2014 ⏰

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