Chapter 16 (Longer Chapter)

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Serenity's POV

        My dad was crashed out on the couch when I came through the side door. While I walked past him, I looked at how he was sleeping. It reminded me of how I used to be curled up in his arms and mom gently placing blankets on us until it was late enough for be to be taken up to my room. Daddy would pick me up bridal style, trying to be as gentle and quiet as possible so that I wouldn't wake up. Dad moved around on the couch, which made me speed walk to the stairs and up to my room. Since I was planning on meeting Matt tomorrow instead of attending school, I had to take my time on deciding what to wear. First impression is an extremely important aspect of catching someone's eye. As I rummaged through my half destroyed closet, I had my mind set on finding the perfect shirt. Wearing a dress was an option, but I've always wanted to jump and wrap my legs around Matthew when I met him. If I wear a dress, that wouldn't be classy at all, so my mind is set on a romper or a shirt with high-waisted shorts. 

        "Finally!" I shouted with joy when I found the flawless outfit. I stood in front of the body mirror and scanned over every part of what I had on. I chose to wear my bright pink crop top that made my skin tone look twice as dark than it really is, the dark, denim high-waisted shorts I had bought the other day with Lizzie, and to make the outfit whole, my un-touched, black Vans. 

        In the middle of the night, I started to feel sick and throwing up came with the strong stomach pains. I couldn't stay out of the bathroom for more than twenty minutes. I had a fever and kept having to run to the bathroom, so I decided to tweet about it. "I don't know if I can make it to meet Matt tomorrow. I'm not feeling the best.. Trying to get some rest. Just a few more hours until I have to get up. Oh well." I locked my Iphone and tossed it to the side of me. My stomach pains began to subside soon after I sipped on a glass of water with lemon juice to add a little flavor. I crawled back into my bed that was still warm and let the drowsiness overcome my body. 

Next Morning, Tuesday (Day Matt leaves Virginia)

        I noticed while getting ready for school that I felt ten times better than I did the night before, so I was still planning on skipping school to go to the airport. My dad wasn't anywhere in sight when I went to leave out the house, and I wasn't checking up. I was still mad about last night and will be for a while. It didn't dawn on me that I needed a note to check-out early until I made it into first period, so my mind started going crazy. I didn't think to check on incoming flights today, so I have no idea when Matthew is getting to the L.A. International Airport. It can't be too early because he didn't tweet that he was taking off like he usually does. Therefore, I'm going to try and leave school at 9:15 to make it to the airport at 9:45ish. Will I make it there at the time I want to? I have no idea, but I am going to try my best!  

        When my teacher was teaching about something completely irrelevant to what I needed to be studying, I tore out a piece of paper and wrote a fake excuse letter. I didn't even think, nor care about the consequences I would face if I was to get caught. 9:10 came quicker than I expected it to. My teacher looked at my note and sent me on my way to the last stop before freedom, the office. Mrs. Bartem, the assistant behind the office desk, greeted me with a warm, cozy smile. I handed her my false note, she glanced at it, and sent me out the door. Before I left the school, I slid on my crop top and let my hair fall down to the middle of my back. 

        I got to the airport, got some coffee, and made my way to the waiting area. By the time I got settled, my phone went off. I fumbled through my purse to find my phone. My Twitter pulled up and showed new tweets. I wanted to start doing a happy dance when the tweet, "Taking off in about thirty minutes! See you soon, L.A. By soon, I mean about five hours or so. Stupid layover." Matthew was going to take flight and land here around the time of 3:00. I attempted to come up with ways to keep myself occupied, like going to the stores and little gift shops that were placed sporadically around the airport. Nothing seemed to keep my interest long enough to take up the entire time. I got too into going down and up the escalator so much that I did it over and over again until a man came up and addressed me. "Ma'am, are you lost or something?" The young man startled me and made my eyes get a colossal size. I managed to stutter out the few words, "N-n-no, sir. Just killing time." "Well, let's not play on the escalators, please. People are actually trying to use them, okay? Have a good rest of your day." I went up the escalators that were meant to send me downwards, but I just wanted to get away from the man as quick as possible. 

        The more I sat in the waiting area, the more I started to realize how many girls kept coming in. Not just regular girls though, fangirls. The numbers kept growing and growing until I couldn't even see the sides of the other walls. Soon enough, I saw security guards pile out of the doors they managed their duties in, and in toe with them was a man with a megaphone. The noise in the room was escalating and that's when I heard a deep, monotone voice from a man who hushed all of the chattering girls. "Young ladies and gentlemen, if there is any out there, I need you to quiet it down. We have other customers here trying to rest and just relax. I understand why you all are here, but still, keep it down. Matthew Espinosa will pop out----" The girls didn't let him finish what he was saying when he said Matt's name. Once more, the man echoed over us all. "Ladies, ladies. I will have each and everyone of you escorted out of here and removed from the premises if you all keep it up. You don't want that, correct?" In unison, we all said no and the man carried on with his business. 

        The time started to approach 3:00, and it showed in all of us. We were all getting antsy and had to seem nervous to other people passing our big group. I took a look in front of me and saw that I was a little on the inside of the left side of everyone. The closer the time of Matthew's arrival, the closer we got into a huddle. As I eyed over all of the girls, my eyes cut over to the left more than they have ever since I was standing up. A few guards and couple older men were in front of a few people that I couldn't make out, but as soon as one of them moved, I realized Cameron, Nash, and Carter were trying to disguise themselves between the tall men. I quietly said to myself, "Oh my God. Perfection. Help me. Breathe, Serenity. Don't be the one to bust them out right now." I looked at them once more, causing Cameron to see I had seen them. He put his finger to his mouth and pleaded me to not make their presence known with his eyes. I nodded once, smiled, and put my full attention to the front. A sudden scream made all of the girls start screeching. The chaos began right when Matthew showed his face. My heart began to race as I pushed my way through the small spaces of the frantic girls. I inched closer every beating second, and soon enough, I had a full view of him. Matthew Espinosa. The boy I had screamed over and cried over at times just because of the cute things he said and did. I got a few pictures while I tried to stand my ground and keep my place. I was close to him but not enough. He and I made eye contact for a couple seconds.

        That's when I felt it. My phone was going off in my hand, and the name was "Momma #2." Why would Lizzie's mom be calling me right now? Did she need something? I managed to answer and plug my other ear so I could somewhat hear her. "Helloooooo?" Lizzie's mom voice rang in my head with every word she spoke to me. Even though I was straining to hear her, I heard every single word she let out. By that time, I was backing up and trying to get out of the crowd of crying and squealing girls. I looked back at Matt, seeing he was moving through the crowd as fast as the girls would let him. He was mouthing something, but I turned toward the exit and pushed through the doors. 


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