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        So, as you can tell, this is probably a rough start. I've never done one of these before, so just hang tight. These next few chapters are the ones that are going to lead up to Matthew possibly interacting with Serenity. I'm not giving it all away, but there wouldn't be a story if they didn't have the chance to interact with one another, right? Right. Also, my name is Aislynn. I do have a Twitter. It's the @ name used in the story. It's groaninespinosa . As you should all know, not everything in this story is real and time correct. Of course Matt didn't choose to move to LA the day of leaving Magcon. It's just part of the story. Stay with me, okay? I'm doing my absolute best! I usually update every single day with two chapters or so. It's usually at night because during the day, I do my homeschooling. Anyways, if you have questions, comment or send me a tweet. (:

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