Chapter 1: Part 1

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Chapter 1: part 1 (Swimsuit picture is above)

When I saw the flyer that would take people to paradise, I immediately grabbed the sheet hanging off a little bulletin board that no one ever really reads anymore. A couple did, but they were mostly the elderly. This was my last hope for myself. There was a five star resort that looked like a spa with a beach and everything absolutely amazing and luxurious to my taste. It looked like a good chance I could relax and get myself together.

I signed up for it and went home after I shopped at the mall and got ready for my audition. After I did my audition tape, I sent it in along with the application and the contracts. I got an email that I was accepted in the first week of applying which I thought was pretty sweet. How rare is it for me to actually have something go right for once in my life? The odds were in my favor this time. I wasn't going to screw it up.

I packed my bags along with some snacks for me to take with me as I still wanted to bring my favorite foods. Who knows if they would have them? As nice as it was, it felt too good to be true. There has to be some sort of catch. I mean, it did say I'd be in a competition to win one hundred thousand dollars along with a couple other competitors to do some stupid challenges. Come on, how hard could it be?

I was on a nice little boat ride and they offered me drinks and snacks, which I declined as I didn't want anything other than what I had already brought with me.

It was time for me to get off so I grabbed all my backpack along with my two other bags and got off the boat onto a little dock. I saw Chris McClain immediately. I looked around the area and it didn't look anything like the application papers. Why did I think that this was coming?

"Erin, what's up?" he said. I walked up to him. I suddenly realized who the dude was. He was from another show he was a co-host of.

"Hey, you're the dude from the figure skating show." I pointed out.

"Right you are," he grinned at me.

"I hated that show," I frowned as I walked over to a group of people. He narrowed his eyes at me. Apparently I had to be the last one here. I didn't think there'd be so many other. . . people here.

"First things first. We need a group photo for the promos. Everyone at the end of the dock." I set my stuff down to where everything was and walked over to the rest of the contestants.

I just stood at the edge with my arms crossed as I did a tiny smile. I'm not good with my photo taken. Or smiling. I don't really like to smile very much.

"Okay, one. Two. Three." Chris said. "Oops, okay, forgot the lens cap. Okay, hold that pose. One... Two... Oh wait, card's full. Hang on."

"C'mon man, my face is starting to freeze." A black chick with oranges on her top said. She was a curvy woman, thick in all the right places. I really need to learn these peoples names before blatantly stating them by their appearance.

"Got it, okay. Everyone say: Wawanakwa!" Chris said. I didn't want to say it as everyone else around me did. Suddenly, I felt the ground shift and I was falling into the lake. I swam up and spat out water.

"Okay, guys. Dry off and meet at the campfire pit at ten." Chris said. I groaned and swam at the dock. I got out and squeezed out the water from my hair. I groaned. I grabbed my bags and walked to the campfire pit to await whatever was supposed to be next. This was already heading towards a bad start. Hopefully some good news soon. I could really use it.

"This is camp Wawanakwa. Your home for the next eight weeks." Chris said. "The campers sitting around you will be your cabin mates, your competition. And maybe even you're friends. Ya dig?"

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