Chapter 25: Finale

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Chapter 25: Finale

/"This entire time I've been here was practically humiliating. My secrets have been told, I haven't gained a single friend, and Heather is a freaking pain in the ass. The food was mortifying. The people here? Well, I couldn't have asked for worse. They are all jerks. Some people weren't so bad like Gwen, Leshawna, Bridgette, Trent, and Duncan.

What will I be remembered for? I doubt nothing. Nothing has changed, no one has influenced my life. No one really took the time to care for me, just like me family. And here I'd thought something good will happen. Yeah, this is so freaking stupid."/

"Now it's time to welcome the twenty campers who did not make it to the finales." Chris said and all the campers walking by. "Would everyone who's walked the dock of shame and left camp on the boat of losers kindly take a seat in the peanut gallery of failure."

"The aide you choose should represent who you would like to cheer on to victory in today's final competition." Chris said.

No one. No one walked over to the bleachers of mine, except Lindsey and Tyler. Wow. I was actually really hurt by that. I crossed my arms and stared at everyone before me. Well then.

"Gwen, Owen, Erin, this is your chance to tell the peanut gallery of failure what you would do with the money if you won." Chris said. "And why you deserve it."

"Well, I guess I'm pretty proud of getting this far. I mean, maybe if I can survive here, the rest of high school won't be so bad." Gwen said. "I'd guess I'd go traveling and then to a university to study art history."

"Wow, that's really sweet." Chris said. "Boring, but sweet. Erin?"

"Uh, well I'm already pursuing to be a writer, but I'd like to go traveling as well and buy my own library in England, and pay back my lawyer for the things in Juvie." I said.

"Cool," Chris said. And Owen went on about a yacht and half of Gwen's people and my only two went to Owen's side.

"Now that I know how everyone feels about me, I think I'd just given up. I quit." I said.

"Seriously?!" Chris shouted. "Why?!"

"Just look at all the lovely people to consider me as a winner as they sat down on my bleachers." I said. Chris only laughed.

"Oh, that." He grinned. "Yeah, whatever. Your choice." I humphed and crossed my arms as I walked over to the bleachers, and sat down on the one with my flag on it. I glanced at everyone around me. I only sighed as I laid down. I can't believe this. I've given up all because no one wanted to cheer for me. That's kinda pathetic. Suddenly, my phone buzzed. It was Alejandro.

-After the final showdown, do you want to meet up with me afterwards?-

I replied back.

-Hell yes. No one cheered me on at all so I voted myself out.-


-Yep. It's all over for me as you can see.-

-Okay then. See you,-

-see you-

I looked back up to see how the challenge was going down.

"Yeah, Owen! We wanna party!" Geoff shouted. Man, I hoped he forgot our promise.

"You're gonna get one!" Owen yelled as everyone shouted for him.

"Go, Gwen!" Leshawna shouted. "Kick his butt, girl!"

"You can do it, Gwen!" Trent yelled. "Come on, Gwen, you got this!" One thing was for sure, I loved seeing people struggle. Owen managed to get his flag first but made loud screeching noises as we went down as Gwen got down faster.

Gwen was already starting on the second part of the challenge as she walked on the plank with her egg in her hands. Owen slowly moved onto the long plank in follow.

Gwen lost her balance but got it together quickly. I heard a loud caw from a bird.

"What was that?!" Gwen shouted. I looked up to see Eagles. In the middle of it, I saw Duncan and Courtney kiss each other which made me snicker as something burned inside of me. I didn't know what, but I didn't put my mind on it.

Eagles swooped down in front of Gwen and Owen and they had to dodge it. They started to move faster, but was at a careful pace as well. For some reason, Heather removed Justin's shirt and I couldn't stop staring. I felt something vibrate on my thigh and I took it out to see a text from Alejandro.

-Bella dama, I have something to ask you when we see each other after this.-

I replied back -alright-

I looked back up to see that Owen was frozen from Justin's beauty and Gwen moved on. She made it back first and returned the egg to the nest.

Gwen started running back to home base and Owen stopped to take a dump. He went into the confessional and I just stared at him gasping. Gwen continued to run as Trent talked to her.

I turned back to my phone and just texted Alejandro. Owen managed to get back in the game and Izzy and Lindsey were talking about Owen's yacht bring in jeopardy. I rolled my eyes as I watched.

Lindsey and Geoff brought a giant fan back towards the game. Owen was only walking slowly as Gwen ran. Owen fell to the ground along with Trent and Owen started crawling. Trent began to roll the boulder.

Is he nuts? Apparently, that's his way of showing his love for Gwen. Izzy came back with hot brownies. How did she do that so quickly?

"Ugh, can't you freaks do anything right?!" Heather yelled as her wig got blown away. Leshawna went after her for a beat down. She locked her inside the confessional where Owen took a massive dump in. I laughed.

Lindsey turned the fan the right way and blew the smell of warm brownies towards Owen. He got back on his feet and practically knocked Gwen down as he ran towards Izzy to the finish line. Owen won. I just shrugged.

Oh well.

That night, Chris called and told us to all meet by the bonfire. And I mean all of the campers.

"Here we are at the last bonfire ever." Chris said. "After eight brutal weeks, it is my pleasure to announce the winner of total drama island: Owen!" Everyone cheered but Heather and I. I just really wasn't up to it.

Owen got his giant check from Chris. "Party next week everyone!" Owen said and everyone cheered once again.

The guys suddenly had a wicked idea to throw Chris is the lake. We all laughed. And the guys chased after Chef.

Well, then. I guess this is how it ends.

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