Chapter 12: In The Military?

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Chapter 12: In The Military?

I finished writing in my journal. It was filled with all of my writings from everything when I've been on here so far. Now I just need another notebook, like usual. It was completely finished to the last page.

I got ready for another day of challenges. Man, I just wish we had better showers. They aren't the best things to use all the time. The water was low, the power of it could definitely be stronger and it wasn't very beneficial. That's Chris McLean's budget for us. I wish I had my shower back home where the water pressure is actually high. This was crap

I was listening to music for a while just to clear my mind. There was absolutely nothing to do until Chris would announce our challenges. I couldn't complain. It was nice to do nothing for once. It was relaxing. I needed a well deserved break from everything going on.

"Listen up, you little cockroaches! I want all campers to report to the dock of shame at 099 hours." Chef said over the intercom. I got up with a sigh and placed my headphones down as I walked towards the dock. Everyone else looked confused. I just rolled my eyes. I have a dad that was in the military so I know what it's like. He basically raised us on how he was raised based by my grandfather, who was a general. I'm just glad he focused more on cooking and kindness than his basic skills in the military rather than everything else.

"That means now, soldiers, now!" Chef yelled once again. Once I stood in line, Chef was in some camouflage outfit. Was he in the military too or is he just doing it for show? It looked pretty convincing to me.

"Stand at attention!" Chef said and I did as told, definitely not wanting to get on his bad side. "You call this proper formation?!" He started to whip Geoff was a stick. "Feet together, arms down, hat forward, head up." He whacked Harold with the stick repeatedly.

"Oh, this is going to be a fun day." Gwen said.

"What did you say to me, soldier?!" Chef shouted as he turned to her with the most strict expression on his face.

"Um, nothing." Gwen said.

"And you will continue to say nothing until I tell you can say something." Chef said. Yep, he was definitely in the military. Probably in the army. Definitely not Air Force I can see that much. "Today's challenge will not be an easy one. In fact, I don't expect everyone to come out alive."

Owen laughed and he got whipped. He was giving us rules and we had to keep saying "yes, master Chief." It was pretty annoying. We just ended up running towards the beach.

/"He's. So. Freaking. Scary! UGH!"/

"Listen up, each team must hold a canoe over their heads. I catch you take your hands off the canoe, and you will be eliminated. And no one eats lunch until someone drops out." Chef said. "Canoes up!"

We picked up our canoe and placed it over our heads, holding it up into the air.  I was fine at first, till it went for three freaking hours and my arms were in so much flipping pain.

"Come on, you sissies!" Chef said. "It's only been three hours!"

"Looks like they missed lunch today," Chris said.

"Mmm hmm, guess they just weren't hungry." Chef said. "Unless someone wants to quit now." Owen's stomach growled louder than a lion.

"Don't even think about it, Owen." Gwen said. Chef got onto Harold for speaking loudly because of what Geoff did, and I just rolled my eyes. Im pretty sure he was just giving him a wedgie with a fishing pole. Boy's will never grow up, will they?

"Can you be quiet and cut it out." I said with a frown, glaring at him. "Some people are trying to not get on Chef's bad side. Also, that's just mean. Are you seriously going to be a bully?" Geoff's eyes widened in his own realization of what he was doing.

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