Chapter 4: Dodging Balls

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Chapter 4: Dodging Balls

I've been asleep for a whole day straight and haven't woken up at all. Someone must've carried me to my bed because I have no recollection of what happened whatsoever. When I did wake up I was drinking my calypso's and eating my Debbie Cakes. When I went into the mess hall everyone was cheering Gwen and I on. It felt good to be cheered for once in my life.

I realized Eva was gone as well. I wonder what got her sent home? I didn't care too much as I wrote in my notebook a bit during breakfast.

"What're you writing in there, Erin?" Heather asked me trying to play innocent. I don't like her. She's strange. Something is definitely wired wrong in her brain that gave me evil intentions.

"Stuff. I'm planing on being a writer some day." I said with a yawn.

"Oh, that's nice." She said as she tried to look at it. I quickly closed it. No way in hell is she going to look inside it. Besides, I was writing about her. She gave me bad vibes. I didn't want her sitting by me either so I shifted towards Gwen who's head was lying on the table.

"Hey, fish heads! Way to kick off your strongest player!" Heather called out to the other team. Why does she have to be so openly annoying? "Why don't you just give up now." She scooter aside as Courtney tossed their breakfast at her, but it went right at Gwen's face when she looked up. "Missed me."

"Okay, campers, listen up. Your next challenge begins in ten minutes. And be prepared to bring it." Chris said. He left and I got up to place my journal under my mattress for safe keeping. I don't want people like Heather stealing it.

I walked towards the beach alone. It looked like a big dodge ball arena. Crap, my worst game. I hated this so much as it always brought bad memories.

I, of course, was tormented in these kinds of games and I was the least person that nobody wanted on their teams. One time even BOTH of the teams hit me with dodgeball's. I ended up telling my mom I fell off my skateboard down a flight of steps. That did happen, after someone pushed me down after school.

Chef blew a whistle loudly. I had to cover up my ears. Still from all that lack of sleep, I can feel like I'm having a sort of sensory overload.

"Today's challenge is the classic game of dodgeball. The first rule of dodgeball is -"

"Do not talk about dodgeball." Noah finished Chris' sentence. I sighed in relief as a chuckle escaped my lips.

"As I was saying, if you get hit with the ball," he threw it at Courtney and I almost laughed. "You're out!"

"You can't do that!" Courtney yelled as she threw it back at him. Chris caught it.

"If you catch the ball, the thrower gets sent out and the catcher gets to bring in another team member out on the court." Chris said.

"Throwing balls. Gee, another mentally challenged test." Noah said sarcastically.

"I know, right?" Lindsay agreed. I face palmed.

"Okay, now Geoff, try to hit me." Chris said as he threw the ball towards Geoff who caught the ball. "If you're holding a ball, you can use it to deflect a ball. But, if it knocks the ball out of your hands, you're out."

"So, what do I do when the ball comes at me?" Lindsay asked. Geoff threw the ball, Chris deflected it, and it hit Lindsay straight in the face which knocked her off of her feet.

"You dodge," Chris said. "Ooh, you were supposed to dodge."

"Ow, right." Lindsey said as she got up. Ouch. She had a bruise right on her forehead.

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