Chapter 15: Say Uncle

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Chapter 15: Say Uncle

The yacht arrived at the the island and made a loud noise from a horn. All the girls were cheering as I just crossed my arms, disappointed that we had to leave so soon. We got off the yacht and onto the dock as we walked over towards the boys.

"How was your trip, ladies?" Duncan smirked.

"Better than here is what I say," I said. I didn't want to be back. I wanted to hang out with Alejandro. Heather and Leshawna started to argue about who knows what. I wasn't paying attention. That was until Leshawna just ended up throwing the chocolate coated cherry blossom tray on Heather's head.

"Dude! I wanted one." I said as I glared at them who were still fighting. I was ignored.

"Aww! Me too!" Owen said with a frown.

"Listen up, campers, as of right now, all teams are officially dissolved. From here on in, it's ever camper for themselves." Chris said over the loud speakers.

"Bring it on, Chris!" Leshawna said.

"Then get ready for this!" Chris yelled and we heard a loud honk from a boat. I turned around and saw Eva on it.

"What? But that's impossible." Heather said. I just stared at her wide eyed. She wasn't on my team. But she made me nervous. She's easily tempered, and I would hate to set that off. I mean, I'd be a fair fight. But with her? Sheesh. She could throw me like a dumbbell. I think I could still take her.

"Aw man, what is she doing here?" Trent asked. She got off the boat.

"That's right, I'm back." Eva said trying to threaten everyone. "And just so we're clear, not only am I going to kick butt, but I'm giving special attention to my backstabbing Bass team for voting me off!"

"What a sec," said Gwen. "You said no one is allowed back."

"Ever," I finished her sentence.

"I did?" Chris asked.

"And once you leave on the dock of shame on the boat of losers, you can never come back." Gwen said.

"Oh yeah, that. Yeah, I lied." Chris said.

"You can't do that! It's not fair." Gwen said.

"Whoa, girl, you're reasoning with a loud speaker. That just does not look good." Leshawna said.

"She was the audience's favorite?" Heather asked.

"Not really. But we liked her." Chris said. "Also returning to camp is Izzy!"

"What?!" I yelled. I heard a scream and turned to see Izzy swinging on a vine. She dropped right in front of us.

"Hey, guys! It's good to be back at camp!" Izzy said excitedly. "Even though I never actually left the island. I've been living in the woods all this time."

"But I thought the RCMP hunted you down?" Gwen asked.

"They tried, but being a wilderness survivor, I was swift-footed and avoided capture." Izzy took a bite of a raw, dead fish. I grimaced. "Once I was safe with my brethren, it was just me against the harsh elements."

"You call this harsh?" Leshawna asked. "It's been warm and sunny all week."

"Not where I was. But luckily I was able to take refuge in a beaver dam. Yeah, I befriended the family of beavers who lived there, and together we forged for nuts and berries." Izzy said and scratched herself like how a dog would do it. "Boy, I could go for a bag of nachos right now." And then she howled like a wolf. "So, what's new with you guys?"

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