Chapter 8: Boney Island

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Chapter 8: Boney Island

I felt much better the next few days and today was challenge day. I didn't really care. Im just glad I didn't get sick. Worst challenge ever. I literally could've died from hypothermia or something. Chris sucks. We were all standing all around him waiting for him to announce today's challenge of whatever he'll bring on earth.

"Bass, Gophers, today's challenge is a true summer camp experience. A canoe trip. You'll be paddling your canoes across the lake to Boney Island." Chris said. He continued on about how it's a two hour trek through it all.

"We gotta pull our what?" Geoff asked clueless to it all.

"Portage," Chris said as he put emphasis on it. He still didn't get it. "Dude, walk with your canoe."

"Oh," he said finally. I face palmed.

"When you arrive at the other end of the island, you'll build a rescue fire that'll be judged by me. The first team to paddle home to return their canoes to the beach is the winner of invincibility. Move, campers, move!" Chris said.

We started to run but Chris stopped us. "Oh wait, one more thing I should mention. Legend has it if you take anything off the island, you'll be cursed forever." There was a thunderclap after what he said. Cool, I wish I had that after I say anything.

"Yeah! A cursed island! Whoo!" Owen shouted. We all stared at him.

"Now, get in your canoes and let's have some fun." Chris said and we walked off. Now I just have to find a partner.

"Hey, Gwen, partners?" I asked.

"Sure," she relied with a grin. She has a pretty smile.

"Come on, Gwen and Erin. You girls and me. Open water, what do ya say?" Cody asked as he wrapped his arms around us. I pulled him off of me.

"Excuse me?" I asked. Gwen grabbed his arm and twisted it behind his back.

"Ugh, fine. But we're in charge." Gwen said as we walked down the stairs and onto the sand.

"That's the way I like it," Cody said.

/"Cody is so annoying! He's like an obnoxious annoying brother! Ugh!" I groaned./

We walked to the canoe and I sat in the middle as Gwen sat behind. Cody tried to push the canoe into the water. He was grunting at it as he pushed. He was getting nowhere.

"It's okay, I got it." Cody said. I raised an eyebrow at him. Is he serious?

"Are you sure? I can help, ya know." I said.

"Nah, nah." Cody said but he flailed into the water. I just rolled my eyes and got out, pushing the canoe into the water and then got back in. Gwen and Cody both got into the canoe and Gwen changed to be in the front. I didn't mind.

"On your marks, get set, paddle!" Chris said as he shot the gun. We began to paddle as we started to wade the water.

"So, you wanna go out some time?" Cody asked. My face scrunched up.

"No," Gwen and I said.

"How about Friday night?" He asked.

"No," we both responded.

"Saturday's good for me. How about Saturday?" Cody asked.

"My answer is still no," I said.

"Me neither. Ever." Gwen said.

"Okay, fine. Sheesh." Cody said. "So, is Sunday out of the question?"

"DUDE!" I yelled.

/"Can I push him overboard?"/

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