Chapter 23: Stranded, Again!

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Chapter 23: Stranded, Again!

Somehow, I felt something slimy over my face which caused me to wake up.

"What? Who's that? Where are we?" Heather asked and we all sat up from our bunks.

"What the hell!" I shouted as I looked around. We were all in our bunks, but we were in the woods.

"How did we get here?" Duncan asked.

"Chris?" Gwen asked. 

"Mommy!" Owen shouted. I saw Chef on a rope ladder of a helicopter.

"Everybody just zip it!" He yelled. "How you got here is not your concern."

"What happened to Chris?" Gwen asked. I got out of bed and realized I was still in my pajamas, which was a shirt and my underwear. I yelped and wrapped a blanket around me.

"None of your gosh-darn business happened to Chris." Chef said. "I'm in charge, now. And I'm gonna make you wish you were never born."

/"We're dead. We're all dead."/

"Your mission is to find your way out of the forest, or die trying." Chef said.

"You can't be serious! We WILL die!" Heather said. I just nodded.

"Here's how it works. Team one: delinquent and chubby. Team two: grim, grimmer, and grimmest." Chef said. Apparently, I was the grim and Heather was the grimmest. Ha.

"Everything you need is in these bags. You'll navigate your way towards the base camp. The first team to tag the camp totem pole, wins." Chef said. "And here's a tip: better set up camp before sun down because once night fall hits, you won't even see your trembling hand in front of your terrified face. Unless, you got night-vision goggles. But you don't."

Duncan ran up to him. "Oh, please, please, don't leave us here, I'm begging you. We won't survive."

"Get ahold of your guts, soldier!" Chef said. Chef started talking about a Sasquachanakwa, or whatever the heck that is. He can't be serious! Me, survive in my underwear and a T-shirt?!

Chef got onto the helicopter ladder. Heather started yelling like usual again as our beds were being taken away.

"Where do they think they're going?" Heather asked as Owen and Duncan ran off. "They can't survive out there, it's suicide. It's --"

"Hey, I got an idea. Let's see what happens when you close it already." Gwen said.

"Camp is north, so we'll just follow the river. Easy." Gwen said.

"Then let's get there before the guy's know about it." I said.

"Yeah, as long as we're not munched by Sasqauch-a-ma-call-it." Heather said.

"Would you relax? That's obviously just another stupid made up myth to scare us." Gwen said. We started walking north to the river.

"Why are you in a blanket?" Heather said. "It's not cold or anything."

"Okay, let me just expose my practically naked body in front of the whole world." I said. She stared at me weirdly and I just rolled my eyes as I walked faster to keep a pace with Gwen.

We continued walking for a bit but Heather kept groaning as was fanning the bugs away from her face.

"I'd kill for some bug spray!" Heather said. "These mosquitos think I'm an all you can eat buffet! Ugh! I think a mosquito bit the inside of my throat! Gah, it itches."

I groaned and just continued to move. Heather caught up with us as she waved her hands around again.

"Chicks with zero sense of direction!" We heard Duncan's voice. "Hey, here's a pointer! Try checking a map!"

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