Chapter 17: Hide and Seek

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Chapter 17: Hide and Seek

I woke up to find the letter missing. I looked everywhere and I couldn't find it. I was getting pretty frustrated as I didn't want anyone to read it, especially Heather.

I've been looking for it for several days now, and I still haven't found it at all. I've looked through my bed and through my bags to see if I had put it in there at any time. I even looked through everyone's bags hoping to see if anyone took it. I was getting absolutely no where with finding it. I was getting really anxious and nervous now. I didn't know where else to look!

/"If Heather got her filthy hands on that note, I'm going to kill her."/

I found it under Leshawna's bunk as my only hope was the thought that it just fell under there when I was asleep. I sighed within great relief. I was glad that I still found it though. Who knows what would've happened if I didn't?

Through the entire week, Gwen has been obsessing over Trent's absence since he left. I've tried comforting her, but I didn't really know how to do it well as I never truly experienced this before. The only thing I got to cheer her up with was getting revenge on Heather. She has been planning on what to do with her for a while.

Leshawna, Gwen, and I were in our own alliance now. It was just the three of us and I was thinking if we should invite Izzy on it as well. I didn't know for sure whether to do it or not.

We all walked onto the dock for our next challenge where Chris told us to meet when it was the day of the challenge, my least favorite day.

"Today's challenge is a good ole fashion game of hide and seek." Chris said. "You all get ten minutes to hide before Chef Hatchet comes looking for you."

"What's with the water gun?" Duncan asked.

"The lifeguard chair is home base. When he finds you, Chef will start to spray you." I didn't really bother to listen anymore as I had a plan forming into my head of what I was going to do. I needed think this thoroughly as I was getting my thoughts sorted.

"You get ten minutes to hide, go!" And then I ran off quickly into my cabin and changed. Leshawna came in right after me.

"I guess you have the same plan as I do, don't you?" I asked as I quickly changed into my bathing suit and coverup without her looking.

"You got it, Sugar." She grinned and we carefully snuck back out. We grabbed these snorkeler thingies and when the coast was clear, we ran fast towards the dock and got into the water. We went under and waited for a while.

/"I really hope we don't have to do this long."/

After a good several minutes when we felt it was safe, we both gave each other nods. But then we heard foot stomps on the deck and screams, and so we stopped ourselves before we went up to the surface. I think Chef got them because there was no more screaming.

Once we felt it safe again, we heard more stomp and screams. Then we saw Izzy into the water along with us. Leshawna pointed above to know if Chef was still there and Izzy nodded. We gave her a thumbs up. She went back up and she was caught which left Leshawna and I still in the lake waiting to get out and claim our victory.

Once we knew it was definitely safe for sure this time, we got out of the water and Leshawna got to sit on the lifeguard chair while I sat on the on the ladder. We waited for a good several minutes for the others to come back and realize that we won the challenge.

We heard running and we knew it was Chef and the others. Chef gasped at us.

"What took you so long, Sugar?" Leshawna asked with a grin. Everyone cheered us on and Chef nodded in approval at us.

"Alrighty, campers, it's over. Time to pick the loser and send them home." Chris said. I fist pounded Leshawna, Gwen, and Bridgette.

After that, Leshawna and I changed into our normal clothes quickly as we all got close to each other for a vote against the guys. Bridgette was outside because she stunk so bad. I sat on my bed while Izzy sat with me and I had no clue why she wanted to do so. Whatever, I didn't really mind that much.

"Can you hear us okay out there, Bridgette?" Leshawna asked loudly.

"Yeah," she said.

"Sorry we had to keep you outside, girl. We just can't stand that smell." Leshawna said.

"That's okay, I understand." Bridgette said. Poor girl, I kinda felt bad for her to stay out there all by herself. I didn't want to go out there though. She smells horrible.

"The guys are teaming up against us and as much as it makes me want to yack up my lunch, we have to vote as a group if we want any chance of winning." Heather said.

"Well, I say we take out Duncan." Bridgette said. "He's mean and I'd tell him that to his face."

"Sounds good to me. I don't trust that little criminal." Leshanwa said. I felt a blush form on my face. I remembered that I shared my first kiss with him.

"Speaking of trust, I don't trust that Owen." Heather said. Owen? That big dude that is always happy? It's just his personality. "He's always happy and smiling, and it's creepy and unnatural. I say we lose him. Lindsay?"

"Owen. Yeah." Lindsay agreed. She didn't seem like she was listening that much. When did she ever listen?

"But Owen is like the nicest guy on the island and he plays a mean game of Canasta." Izzy said. "Have you guys ever played that? It's so fun!"

"This is an elimination game. Not a dance." Heather said. "We have to vote someone off in order to stay in the game. Hey, why don't you vote with us, Izzy. It'll be like BFF's."

"Best Female Friends," Lindsay said.

"I thought it was best friends forever?" I said as I raised an eyebrow.

"Ooh, that sounds soooo much better! I'm going to be saying that from now on!" Lindsay said with a huge grin. Yeah, if she'll remember it.

"Okay!" Izzy said.

"You know she'll just dump you after the vote?" Leshawna said.

"It's true, she will." said Lindsay. Heather elbowed her hard and she fell and which caused the nail polish to spill and she gasped loudly as it kept getting bigger because she didn't pick it up.

"You with us?" Heather asked. I just rolled my eyes with a shake of my head.

"No," Bridgette said.

"Fine, then let the chips fall where they may," Heather said and got up and left the room. Heather slammed the door on the way out.

"Fine," Leshawna said.

Later on, we all went to the campfire ceremony. Of course I ended up getting my marshmallow and the only people left were Bridgette, Duncan, and Owen.

"There are only two marshmallows left on this plate." Chris said. "You each racked up a lot of votes. One of you is going home tonight and cannot return. Ever. The next marshmallow goes to. . . Owen!"

"Woo hoo! Alright!" Owen shouted.

"The final marshmallow of the night goes to Duncan." Chris said. Some of us gasped. Okay, it had to be more than the guys to vote Bridgette off so who did it?! "Okay, that was a shocker. Even I'm shocked, and I knew the answer."

Bridgette packed her things and headed over to the dock of shame.

"Bridgette, I'm gonna miss you!" Geoff said as he walked up to her.

"Me too! So you didn't vote me off?" She asked.

"No way!" Geoff said.

"You didn't?!" Duncan yelled.

"I could never vote you off, babe! You're my girl!" Geoff said.

"Aw, I believe you." Bridgette said and they walked closer to each other and leaned in for a kiss. Geoff suddenly stopped and ran off.

"Uh, okay. Bye!" Geoff said and waved to her. Bridgette looked kinda disappointed in him. I just shrugged and went to bed.

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