Chapter 3: Wide Awake

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Chapter 3: Wide Awake

I woke up by a loud air horn which startled me awake. I fell out of the bunk and landed on the cold floor that was way too dirty upon inspection. I groaned miserably to myself. It's way too early for this.

"Ugh, get up, loser." Heather said as she stepped on my back to get to her stuff. I glared at her and grabbed her ankle, pulling her down too as she landed but not without catching herself. I got up on my feet and brushed my hands off.

"So you seriously want to lose an arm?" I asked. She shook her head as she glared deeply. "Then shut your face hole."

I got ready quickly and walked out of the cabin.

"Morning, hope you slept well." Chris grinned. I just glared.

/"I freaking hate mornings."/

"Hi, Chris. You look really buff in those shorts." Is Heather hitting on a man that is really older than her? Ew.

"I know," he winked back. Yuck.

"Okay, I hope you're all ready because your next challenge begins in exactly one minute." Chris said.

"Oh, excuse me, I don't know if that's enough time to eat breakfast." Owen said.

"Oh, you'll get breakfast, Owen. Right after you complete your 20 kilometer run around the lake." Chris said. That doesn't sound too bad.

"Okay runners, on your mark, get set, go!" Chris said and I began to run. I was one of the first to make it back around and into the mess hall.

Suddenly, Owen barged into the mess hall with Noah on his shoulder. "Clear a table, stat!" He shouted. Owen began to do CPR on Noah. I only watched because I was bored out of my mind and got tired of waiting on for the rest of my team.

"Hey, wait a minute, if they lost, that means we won the challenge!" Gwen said.

"Whoa there. Hold your horses there, guys. That wasn't the challenge." Chris said.

"What?!" I shouted annoyed.

"Whose hungry?!" Chris shouted as he opened a curtain to delicious food. I gasped. I ate some of everything but I was careful not to eat too much as it really gives me an upset stomach.

"Okay campers, whose up for part two of your challenge?" Chris shouted after we all finished stuffing ourselves, some a little more plump than they should be.

"What more do you want from us?" Gwen asked.

"Seriously? Give us a break!" I said.

"Weird goth girls are right. Haven't we been through enough?" Heather snarled.

"Um, let me think about that. No!" Chris said. "It's time for the awake-a-thon!"

"The a-what-a-thon?" Owen asked.

"Don't worry, this is an easy one. The team with the last camper standing wins invincibility." Chris said.

"So, what you're saying is that the 20 k run, and the turkey eating frenzy were part of your evil plan to make it harder for us to stay awake?" Gwen asked.

"That's right, Gwen." Chris said.

"Man he's good." Gwen said.

"Got that right," I said back.

"Move! Move! Move!" Chris shouted and we all walked out of the mess hall.

We've been sitting at the bonfire and it's already been twelve hours. I wasn't even tired yet.

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