Chapter 2: Part 2

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Chapter 2: part 2

I looked over the edge to see shark infested waters 1000 feet below from the cliff side. Oh crap, I'm screwed.

"Okay, today's challenge is three-fold. Your first task is to jump off this 1,000 foot high cliff into the lake." Chris said.

"Piece a cake," said Bridgette. Easy for you to say.

"If you look down, you will see two target areas. The wider area represents the part of the lake that we have stalked with psychotic man-eating sharks. Inside that area is a safe zone. That's your target area. Which, we're pretty sure is shark free." Chris said.

"Pretty sure?" I questioned.

"Excuse me?" Leshawna said.

"For each member of your team that jumps and actually survives, there will be a crate of supplies waiting below." Chris said. "Inside each crate are supplies you'll need for the second part of the challenge building a hot tub. The team with the best one gets to have a wicked hot tub party tonight. The losers will be sending someone home."

"Let's see," Chris said. "Killer Bass, you're up first."

"Hey, don't sweat it, guys. I heard that these shows always make the interns do the stunt first to make sure it's survivable." Owen said.

Bridgette was the first to go on the Killer Bass. She jumped straight into it and landed on the safe side. Some of her team jumped in as well. The Tyler dude didn't land exactly in the water as he landed on the buoy, genitals first. I winced. No kids for him that's for damn sure.

The other dark skinned dude, which looked to be a total adorable softie, did not jump into the water. Chris placed a chicken hat on his head which had to be on for the rest of the day. Harold, a generic typical nerd, landed right on his nuts in the water. My jaw tightened. Ouch. No kids for him either. Then again I wouldn't think anyone would in their right mind would carry his child. Ouch. That was mean.

Courtney didn't jump either which earned her a chicken hat. Then she started blabbing about how none of us will jump. I cracked my knuckles as I walked up to her.

"You really wanna underestimate us? You're the one who isn't jumping, scaredy cat. Life is full of risks you know." I said with a smirk. "I'll show you how we Gopher's do it."

\"As much as I hated going off on her like that, it felt kinda good. Huh, what'd'ya know?"\

Before I could jump, Katie and Sadie got onto the same team, and that made Izzy on the same team with us. Hey, whatever works. They both jumped into the water.

"Screaming Gopher's, if you can beat that, we'll put in a pull cart to put your crates on." Chris said. Sweet. We could totally use that to our advantage. After all their team did look tougher. With a criminal and everything, he seems a lot more useful that thing squeal and thing squealer ie. Katie and Sadie. And they have that really toned buff girl. Eva isn't it? She seems plenty useful. However, that aggression will get her gone soon enough.

"Nice," Trent said with a grin. "Okay guys, who's up first?"

"That'll be me." I said. I ran over to the edge. This is going to be awesome. I love doing cliff dives. The rush always feels awesome yet terrifying all the same.

I then took a mad dive into the lake and landed safely into the water. Ha, suck on that. I got into the boat and I was taken to shore await for the rest of my team. Heather came in next after me as she started to scream. I'm pretty sure Leshawna threw her in. I would've done the same if it meant getting the pull cart. Then Leshawna made the jump. Then Lindsay and Gwen. Then everyone else except Beth.

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