Chapter 16: Hunting

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Chapter 16: Hunting

I've been practicing to smile for a while, but I don't think it's turning out to well. I can't believe I was actually doing something for someone in their favor. I've been trying to in mirrors, but I don't know if it's working out that well.

"Argh, Maties! Meet me at the ampa theater in five minutes and I'll tell you about today's challenge!" I heard Chris' voice say. I rolled my eyes and went over to the theater, sitting beside Izzy without any reason knowing why. I was even confused as to why I was doing so.

"Well, my little scalawags, have we got an adventure in store for ye." Chris said. His fake parrot fell.

"What's under the sheet?" Geoff asked.

"On a good time, laddie! Who here has a hankering for a good ole fashioned treasure hunt?" Chris asked. "Now, this treasure hunt's got a twist, matey's. What you're looking for isn't hidden, and it isn't treasure."

/"Then what's with the stupid pirate get-up?"/

"If there's no treasure, then what's with the eye-patch and the plastic parrot?" Duncan asked literally speaking my mind.

"Exactly what I was thinking," I mumbled under my breath.

"Argh! Shiver me timbers, good question, me boy." Chris said. I just rolled my eyes. "You're looking for keys to a treasure chest. Inside each of these chest's is a treasure that will pamper you land-lovers. And, one of these chests, will give you invincibility!

"Now come round and pull a clue out of this bucket, or you'll have to walk the plank." Chris said. I just sighed.

"Let's just get this stupid thing over with," I said and walked up to him.

"These clues will tell ye where ye key be stowed." Chris said and I looked at mine. Is that supposed to be a bird? How the heck I'm a supposed to get a key from a bird? Freaking great. I had till six o'clock to get it. I saw something shiny in the air and looked see a bird with a key attached to its foot. That was easy.

I grabbed a slingshot and aimed at it, while missing several times as it flew around, obviously mocking me. I growled and aimed at it once again, hitting it by the wing and it fell down. Score! I went up to it and grabbed the key from its foot and walked off. I still had plenty of time so I decided to go for a swim.

I changed quickly and went to the docks as I jumped into the lake. I swam for a bit till I heard footsteps. I saw Heather and hid under the dock so she couldn't notice me. Something seemed fishy. And it wasn't just the fish that swam past my thigh.

"Where is she? I knew I couldn't count on her." Heather said when she was waiting for only a minute and a half.

"I just don't know what's up with Heather?" I heard Lindsay say. I looked through the cracks and saw Trent along with her. Heather just started to fake cry. I rolled my eyes at her horrible acting. "Maybe you should go talk to her."

Trent walked up to Heather.

/"This just HAS to be a scheme of Heather's."/

"Heather, what's wrong?" Trent asked. Oh, Trent, please don't fall for one of her schemes.

"Nothing," she said.

"No, tell me." Trent said. Heather faked a sniffle. Can I burst out laughing now?

"Well, I don't want to sound like a sucker or anything," which you totally are, "but, Gwen's just being so mean to me and, I just don't get why. I-I don't think I can go on!"

"Gwen's just kinda a hard girl to get to know, that's all. Don't take it personally." Trent said. Heather hugged him. Can I kill her now? What is she trying to pull?

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