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 F O U R ( 4 ) - K I M M Y ' S  R E G A R D S 

After all is said and done, and the dust settles, everything for me is turning out to be okay. I know that the life that I live and the town that I live in isn't normal. Not even close. But I don't think the world is a normal place either. A lot of crazy things happen all around the world, why did I ever think Riverdale was the exception?

Henry Washington - formerly known to me as my father, my mother's ex-husband- is serving a lengthy prison sentence. Not only did he go down for what he did to me, but Gladys tipped off the cops to everything he was up to in Toledo. And, his toledo tattoo was carved out of his shoulder.

My tattoo is still healing from the laser removal. Gladys pitched in which I thought was nice seeing as she wasn't to blame for any of it. I'm just really happy that it's off of my skin and I don't have to look at anymore.

Still, Riverdale doesn't rest. After my showdown with Henry a lot of shit hit the fan. I found out that he wasn't actually my biological father. That role was reserved for Tom Keller. The same Tom Keller who dropped in randomly to check on me, who threw jokes at me from time to time while I was working at the bakery. 

He didn't know either. 

Apparently he and my mom had an affair-or a one night stand. They didn't love each other, but they were going through rough patches in their lives at the time. It wasn't like they were strangers either. They were buddies when they were around my age and had kept in touch since then.

Even after finding out the way I did, I'm not mad at my mom. Not to say I could never be mad at her. Maybe that's a future me problem. But for right now, it's a bit of a relief to know that a man like Henry is not my family. Having a man like Tom Keller as my blood, even how weird it sounds, is better than that. He's an amazing human being.

Of course I probably would have swung for FP if I was my mom- but apparently that was never an option, she says they were like weird cousins- or Fred Andrews. But then I remember that I kissed Archie in middle school and that freaks me out. 

I know Tom was a bit mad at first at my mom. It's reasonable. She was hiding his daughter from him this whole time. During the first few weeks after everything went down he didn't speak to her if he came over to visit. Or he made sure that she was gone before he did. 

It's only now, a month and change after, that he doesn't seem to be angry anymore. Or he's letting go of it. The man that I have to get used to recognizing as my father comes by every other week with treats from Agatha's bakery. Kevin comes along every so often, I know it can't be easy for him either.

It's crazy to say but we make it work. Even Kurt knows- and he said he's fine with it as long as I'm still his sister too. When Henry announced it at the party, I don't think he was loud enough for everyone else to hear. I ended up having to be the bearer of news to my friends.

Speaking of them, they're doing better. 

Bowie and Fangs did work things out like I thought they did. She wouldn't really go into details about why Fangs broke up with her but she said that it had something to do with the farm. I don't really understand the explanation but, it's not for me to fully understand seeing as it's not my relationship.

I'm happy for them.

As for Syd and Harrison they're good. I think they were always good, even after the whole dead body secret got out and she and the boys were taking a break form each other. She's back to being friends with them again. 

Izzy went away to a facility upstate. I don't think the farm cult thing was something she was every gonna get over with or learn to live with, if she didn't get professional help. She left after a few weeks. And no I didn't even tell her how I really felt about her.

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