Chapter 2- The Truth

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"Well, you are going to have to tell someone sooner or later." Minho looked at Brenda, "or, Brenda will tell me." Brenda's head shot up and shook her head rapidly, "no, Minho. I can't. Only Thomas can talk and tell people" Brenda looked at Thomas and he was glad that she won't tell Minho. "Why? What is so bad that you can't tell your closest friend?" Minho then sat down next to Thomas "because, Minho every time I think or talk about it, I just want to run away in the woods and scream. Even cry, and I don't cry very much. And I only ever want to do that when I think of my three. Dead. Friends." Thomas got a little bit of tears but he blinked them away, "listen, Tommy..." Minho started to say but Thomas cut him off. "Don't call me Tommy, please" Thomas snapped, but Minho continued "Thomas, I know. I want to do the exact same, and I never cry either, but when I think of Newt I want to just be back in the Glade, and mapping the shuck Maze. But, I know I can't, we escaped, and we walked through a Flat Trans to this new world. And here, us boys need to talk about things, so we can live a new, happy life here." Minho said in a hush soft voice.

Minho then touched Thomas's leg and Thomas looked up at Minho and Minho had tears, Thomas started to get tears but blinked them away again. "Yeah, you're right. Even tho I don't want to talk about it, I think it would be for the best but trust me, the things I will tell you, you will hate. And I mean HATE." Thomas looked at Minho and he nodded, "I know I will, but it is better than me NOT knowing," Minho said and then stood up, Thomas the stood up as well. Minho opened his arms and hugged Thomas. "Always know that I will never hate you, we will always be close, and anything that you tell me will never bring us apart," Minho whispered to Thomas, "now go for a shower." Thomas nodded and then walked away alone to his house. As Thomas was walking home he saw someone, someone who looked like some he used to know. Before they died. Before she died. Teresa.

Thomas stopped and stared, than the girl noticed and came up to him, "hey, you're Thomas right?" the girl looked like she was only three years younger than Teresa. "Uh, yes I am. Who are you?" Thomas was confused but tried everything to hide it, "oh, I am Lydia. I have two sisters, one brother, and a mum, do you have any brothers or sisters?" Lydia ask, and Thomas froze for a moment and then said "um, I don't know. I was put into a Maze and my memories were swiped," Thomas didn't even want to explain anything, but Lydia knew everything about it. "yeah, I know you were, but my sister told me you all got your memories back, well got offered them back, I would have thought everyone would get them back and would want to, my sister did get them back." Lydia said and a shock of pain rushed through Thomas, "your sister, was put in The Maze? What group was she in? A or B?" Thomas didn't think she was Teresa's sister tho. "Yeah, she told me she was in Group A." Lydia said, but the only girl who was in Group A was Teresa. "I was in Group A, and Teresa was the only girl there, but when we had to go back to The Maze to save all the Immunes, one of the walls were falling, and she pushed me away and it fell on her legs, she saved me." Thomas said in a normal tone to Lydia and then sat on a chair.

"That is how I knew who you were, and what your name is, my sister told me that you two were very close, and told me about you, her real name is Deedee, but when WICKED took her, they gave her a new name, it was Teresa. She was named after Mother Teresa. Here is a picture." Lydia sounded like she wasn't joking, but Thomas saw that wall fall on Teresa. Lydia showed Thomas the picture of her and Deedee/Teresa. Teresa's bright blue eyes almost glowing and her long wavy brown hair made her look like a normal teenage girl. Beautiful. Lydia has bright green eyes also almost glowing and her hair exactly like Teresa's long, wavy brown hair. But Thomas couldn't believe any of it, he was wowed. "How old are you?" Thomas asked Lydia and she sat down next to him. "I am 12, Deedee is 4 years older than me. My other sister Haley, is 10. Do you remember your age?" Lydia sounded so calm, her voice almost exactly like Teresa's. "No, but I think I am 16." Thomas finished and then a young girl walked over to Thomas and Lydia, "Lydia, who is this?" The young girl asked, the girl looked like Lydia, with her bright green eyes and hair. "Haley, this is Thomas," Lydia told Haley, Haley looks more like Lydia then Teresa, but they are both so pretty. "Thomas? Deedee's Thomas?" Haley said, Thomas thought Teresa told them about Thomas? And Thomas would never get used to people calling her Deedee.

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