Chapter 28- The Real Exit.

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Once Minho and I get back to The Glade we go straight to the map room, he maps it because I didn't get anything.
"That couldn't have been the real exit," I tell him.
"I don't know, it looked like it in the control room," he says. A flashback comes from when we were in the control room, it showed The Glade sections and then the Maze sections. In 8 there was the only exit I saw- no. There was another one. In The Glade. Deep into the forest, there is the Maze wall, but a door is there.
"MY GOD!" I shout out loud standing up.
"Thomas?" Minho asks.
"The exit, that wasn't the way out, it was a trick!" I run out of the room, across the Glade to the deep and dark forest, I run and run and run until I can't no more. Now I stand in front of a door, a metal door that is the same colour as the wall. I slowly approach it and when I do I see that on the door is a keypad. There's a code.
"Great!" I shout in frustration (note the sarcasm in my voice). The maps, they must have the code. I run back to the map room and it's empty, I pick up the box with all the maps in it and take out the ones from the whole week for section 1.
I lay them a top of each other and stare, then it comes. It is an 'A' I quickly wrote that down and grab out section 2, I stare again and see a 'D' I repeat this to all sections, finally coming to the word:
The code is 'ADVANCED', we actually have a code!

Teresa? I call out in my head.
Yeah? I hear hear say.
We have an exit, the exit we saw in section 8 was a trick, it isn't even in the Maze. And I found the code.

There is silence. Teresa? Nothing. I run out and stop dead in my tracks, the walls are already closed, and everywhere there are Grievers, more like duck Grievers.

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