Chapter 11- The Cure.

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I woke up by a loud noise, kind of sounding like a berg. I sit up in m bed, my head aching so bad! I guess I left the front door open last night because I can't usually hear outside with the from door closed. I quickly stand up-klunk! My head bloody hurts. I run to the door, my was still sore. I was right, the door is open, I walk to the door and peek outside to where the loud noise is coming from.

To my right, a berg. I was right, AGAIN. A large, silver berg-like WICKED's bergs is parked on the ground, the hatch slowly opening. I jog to the berg, ignoring my head ache. It is now fully opened.

A girl in a white WICKED suit walks out, I remember that face.

Chancellor Paige.

I thought we burnt WICKED to pieces and all their shit. That's one thing I know I'm wrong about.

"Good morning Immunes!" She shouts, "Gladers, please step up." She continues. All the Gladers, from A and B step about 5 meters out of the crowd. Besides me. "Thomas!" She then shouts. I slowly walk up to Minho and Teresa.

"You all look a bit... Hung over. Am I right?" She asks but everyone stays silent. "I am. I bet you're all wondering, 'but i thought WICKED is gone'? Well, you're wrong. WICKED had an under ground compartment. And well, it looked untouched." She explains.

"You work for WICKED! They said if we go through the Trans that we will live in peace!" This was Gally shouting. She chuckles.

"Oh, Gally. I do. You smart cookie aren't you?" She says. It is obviously sarcasm. "Now, we found the cure. But, when you idiots destroyed our compartment that had the results, you destroyed the papers. We had 10 tubes. But we used them. The Maze and Scorch trials are up and going, again. We found a boy, who was shot, in the ear, passed out." She says. NEWT! Minho looks at me and murmured stuff to himself. "Yes, Gladers, we know you lost about half the Gladers from The Maze until now, but what you all didn't know, the Grievers didn't kill. The cut them, yeah. But they have this serum that puts people to sleep for 1 week. Thomas, that gun you had, it wasn't real bullets so if you got Newt in the head, he wouldn't have died anyway." She says,

"and I know what You are thinking, 'The Flare would've killed him by now.' But, we got to him just in time. And injected him with the serum. He is alive, his mind was wiped, yet again. And he is doing the Maze trials again. I expect that if you want your Glader friends back, you all get in this berg, and you will see them." She is now finished I hope.

Minho was the first the speak after she wa done, "what do we have to do after going into that shucking berg?" I wonder the exact same thing.

"You will be experimented and have multiple check ups, then your mind erased yet again. And then put in the Maze with The Gladers. However-" she paused for a second and looks at Teresa, "you won't remember them..." I look at Minho who is slowly shaking his head. Simon who is in my sight, is getting tears. I know why, he doesn't want to lose me, again.

"Paige! Can other people go?" He shouts. I look at him and his shake my head rapidly.

"Yes, but. No one would want to go into the Maze," she paused. Looking at him and then me. "Your Simon... Thomas' twin, you don't want to lose your brother again." She nods her head.

"You dumb woman, of course I don't want to lose him again. I only just got him back." He shouts back and goes I between Teresa and I.

"Calm down, now. If you come and so does Thomas, you both will be put in separate Groups. Group A or B. And Thomas, if you do come, you HAVE to be in group A seeing that Newt is there." I am about to launch myself at her but Simon and Gally grab my arm to keep me in my spot. "Anyone coming?"

I didn't think anyone would, but Frypan is the first to step forward. Then Brenda, then Gally. I try pulling Gally back but he pushes my arm away. Minho. He then steps forward. He wants to see Newt, that's why. I look at Teresa and Simon and at the exact same time, we all step forward.

I'm going back into The Maze.

"Thomas, that is surprising," she says with a pause, " you are the best experimented brain we have ever used. So you will be a huge help. And Simon. You will too." I see Scott step forward. Why the hell would Scott?

"No, Scott!" I hear Teresa shout. "You can not go into The Maze, it is too dangerous." She finishes.

"Teresa, I don't want to lose you again. If you go, I go." Scott says stepping next to Teresa, she leans down grabbing his shoulders as says something to him and he starts crying and goes back to his mother, Jocelyn.

"Anymore?" She asks and no one moves forward. "Great. Get in." She moves aside and we start going on the berg. Simons I front of me.

We are all going back in the Maze...

The Paradise Cove - What happened after The Death Cure (ON HOLD)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang