Chapter 25- Getting The Runners Ready.

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I talk to Teresa about helping me getting the new runners ready. We told them all to line up along the Maze wall so we can test them.

"Leon!" I shout and he steps forward, "you know the test, run to the other side and back. Go!" He jumps and bolts. After 3 minutes he gets back. "good job." I say and he nods going back to his spot.

"Sebastian!" Teresa calls now, "go!" And he sets off. He gets back in 4 and a half minutes. "Thank you, Alexander!" She shouts and he sets off. We do the same with the others to test them. They all got back with in 4 and a half minutes.

"Next stage is mental!" I explain, "out smart yourself, if you get lost, which you shouldn't if you make sure you are cutting the vines as you go, don't panic. Call for help. If you see a griever, out smart them. You have to do the things they won't expect you to do, that's why you take daggers with you and knives. Hit them in the heart and then the head." I look around at everyone and they are slowly nodding, "and most importantly. NEVER. STOP. RUNNING. If you leave the right time, you will have about 10 minutes to rest and have a drink and a snack and then you get back by the time the doors close."

"What if we don't?" Someone calls out.

"Then, I'm sorry to say, but you will be stuck there for a night and only 3 people have survived a night in the Maze and it was because one person was stubborn and didn't give up, he saved two other lives," Teresa looks at me sideways and smirks.

"And unless you think like I did when I was in there a whole night and saved Minho and Alby, you won't survive, sorry." I pause, "I have section 1, Minho has 2, Ben has 3. Because you are all new you will be in pairs. Leon goes with me, Sebastian goes with Minho and Alexander goes with Ben. As for the rest, get into pairs. I will choose what section each pair takes. You have to work together and know what each other will do. You will have time to find that section, it will be on one of the walls, in red. Got it?" It goes silent, then everyone agrees.

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