Chapter 21- How I Feel.

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Minho's POV-

When Thomas leaves it is just Newt and I. Should I tell him how I feel? Should I tell him I love him?

"Min-" he starts but I cut him off.

"No, Newt. Thomas told me he shot you in the head and then like 10 minutes later said he didn't. I didn't know what to believe. But I did something to him-"

"Minho, I know what you did." He interrupts me.

"No, Newt. You don't. I love you and I can't hide it anymore, is lost my mind and kissed Thomas believing that he can be my Newt. But he can't. Only you, Newt can be my Newt." I say and he just stares at me.

"Minho- I knew since in the Glade that you loved me. I loved you too but I didn't want to tell you that I did." When Newt says that, he connects his lips to mine and pulls me closer to him. He tastes like bacon and salt. We stop and he looks at me in the eyes, "I've always wanted to do that..." He says to me blushing.

"Me too. But w-what will the other say?" I ask connecting my forehead to his.

"They won't find out, we will do what ever we do when we are alone. Okay?"

"Okay," I say to him kissing him again. I pull away and say; "I better get to the map room, if it is still here," I sand up straight.

"It is. I made it again, reminds me of you." He says, grabbing my hand we walk to the door and then we let go. I go into the woods and he goes to the gardens.

Sorry to any Newtmas or Thominho shippers. But I just had to make Minewt happen 😊. I ship all but Thomas has Teresa

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