Chapter 26- The Mapping.

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I take the new runners to the map room once we are done all the testing. They all sit down, while Minho and I explain how to map them and how to remember your way out and how to keep the image from going away.

"You will all have a notepad to write or draw some extra bits," I pause and grab the notepads out of the box, "you will use these daggers to cut the vine as you go." I pause again and grab a dagger out. I walk over to the paper that the maps will be drawn on, "you will draw the map on here and write the same what I have done, except different day and different section." I hold up the finished map I have done and pass it around the small square room.

"Never leave your partners side." Minho added after me, "if one of you get injured, stop and help them back, and that is your day done, then you are back in the Maze the next day either alone or with your partner to map it, again, the Maze never takes the same form twice in a month. So, it restarts each month," Minho crosses his arms over his chest.

"What if we can't get back in time to the Glade because the other is injured?" A boy asks us, his dark brown eyes different to his bright blond hair and tan skin.

"Depending how injured, if they won't survive even if we get them to the med-jacks, you will have to leave them, and save yourself, sorry." Ben adds from the far end of the large wooden table.

"There is one more stage," I speak up and pause to make sure everyone is listening. "The next stage is skills, you have to know how to kill or fight off a Griever if you see one, you have you know how to out-smart 'em."

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