Chapter 6 - Party Time, Part 3

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Someone screamed. Someone else screamed too. Soon, there were quite a few people screaming. One notable exception was the victim of the stabbing.

"Aw, man, why are you all running away! The party was just getting started! But now that I think about it, my head feels kinda funny..." complained Lightbulb before collapsing. She had just been stabbed.

"Someone call an ambulance!" cried someone. There as a time period of seven minutes and sixteen seconds where no one called an ambulance.

Tree entered, and saw Lightbulb sitting in a pool of blood on the floor in the living room. Unlike Apple, she was still alive, and she was also in a different house.

"Aaaaaaaaaa..." groaned Lightbulb.

Tree stood around until the police showed up. Since Coiny both lives in the Dream District as well as a mansion where he throws massive parties, the police actually showed up. Also, it's convenient to the plot.

The ambulance had also arrived by this point, and Lightbulb was being taken out of the house by the paramedics.

"Mnnnn... The pink cutie wanted to show me the knivessss..." she mumbled as she was placed on the stretcher.

Interesting, thought Tree.

After everything was cleared up, most of the attendees had left. The few that remained tried to stretch the chapter to at least 600 words.

"Well," Coiny remarked. "That could have gone better."

"It definitely could have gone worse, though," responded Tree. "Something weird is going on." Tree was on his fourth can of still-not-named alcoholic beverage.

Due to the fact that Tree was on his fourth can of still-not-named alcoholic beverage, Pen replied with "Are you sure it's not the fact that you're on your fourth can of still-not-named alcoholic beverage?"

"Yes," replied Tree, despite the fact that he was feeling woozy and his speech was slurring.

"You should probably get home," said Remote, concerned. "Do you want me to call a taxi?"

"Yeah, okay," grumbled Tree, who was currently irritated at the fact that air was breathable. As Remote was calling said taxi, Tree drained the rest of his can and quickly collapsed onto the couch. "This is going to be such a fun job," he groaned.

Pin sat down beside Tree at the perfect distance as to not get shipped with him. "Don't worry, Tree. You'll be fine. You're a great detective!"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. I don't really need all this encouragement when I'm drunk and collapsed onto a couch after someone was stabbed at a party."

"Suit yourself," Pin said with a sigh. She got up to go and find Coiny.

Coiny was about to leave through the back door when she spotted him!

"Coiny! Where're you going?" she asked.

Coiny started. "Huh? Oh, hey Pin. I just needed to go pick something up."

"What something?"

"That's... uh, private. But uh, see you tomorrow?"

"Oh okay." Pin was kind of annoyed that everyone didn't want to talk to her, but not enough to actually show any indication that she was annoyed.

Meanwhile, Tree stumbled into the taxi that Remote had called. The taxi pulled away, and Remote started walking home. Unlike Tree, she doesn't live in the office, but instead in an apartment a few minutes away.

In the taxi, Tree was thinking about all the information he had gathered. He wasn't yet 100% sure that Apple's murder and Lightbulb's stabbing were related, but if they were, he had a pretty strong case against Pink Marker. Both Marshmallow and Lightbulb had mentioned someone pink, she was at the party, and she had purchased a gun recently for no determinable reason. Her alibi seemed week, but it was confirmed by the others who had helped organize the party. The Double Eye District was quite far away from the stores that they had went to, so there wasn't a good way for Pink Marker to slip off and commit the murder. But she still wasn't completely in the clear yet. There were other possibilities, like Marshmallow. And there was also the question of how Cake had obtained the gun-purchasing records, which only occurred to Tree now. He also thought about Remote for more time that his undrunken self would have liked.

And then he got home, where he fell asleep instantly and stopped thinking about all of it.

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