Chapter 11 - It Didn't Come Out Very Fast After All

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As Pillow meandered away, Tree was busy moving through the five stages of grief over the course of thirty seconds.

"Are you kidding me?" he spat.

"That's no good," Taco observed. "Anyways, should we go talk to Marshmallow like you said we were going to?"

"Yeah probably," replied Tree, so they returned back to Tree's office and got into his car.

The drive to Marshmallow's house was so uneventful that if the author was lazy enough, he could have just put in a time-skip and absolutely nothing would be missed at all. The author is in fact lazy enough.

When they arrived at Marshmallow's house, there was some sort of commotion going on across the street. It's not relevant to the story, but it's realistic that occasionally things will be happening that the protagonist does not pursue and are just not important to the story in any way, not even as some form of foreshadowing. This sort of thing doesn't ever show up in stories essentially ever because it slows down the story for no reason and generally isn't good writing. That being said, this was an extra ninety words.

Tree knocked on the door, and Marshmallow answered after only three seconds.

"Tree? What are you doing back here? Did figure out who killed Apple?" Marshmallow exclaimed.

"No, I'm just here to ask a few more questions," Tree responded.

"Oh okay. But... why is Taco with you? Isn't she evil or something?"

"Excuse me!" cried Taco in a distinctly not evil voice. "You must have me mixed up with someone else."

"Oh okay," said Marshmallow again.

The trio of objects entered the house and sat down in various seats in the living room. There was no longer a dead body in it, but the room smelled like vinegar, lemons, and Clorox® Green Works™ All-Purpose Cleaner (Biodegradable. Made with 98% natural ingredients.)

"So, um, what do you need to know?" 

"Are you on hundred percent certain that you saw someone pink or purple running away from your house after Apple was murdered?"

"Um... yeah?" 

Taco wrote this response down.

"Do you own a gun?"


Taco wrote this response down.

"You were in the kitchen when Apple was shot, correct?"

"No, I was in the bathroom. I told you that. Do you, like, not trust me?"


Taco wrote this response down.

"Is that three dots or four?"


Taco wrote this response down.

Several questions later, Tree had once again gained absolutely no new information. This was getting incredibly boring, very fast. He decided that he would just leave and hope that Marshmallow would shout "Wait!" and give him some critical information she had left out before. Tree left.

"Wait!" shouted Marshmallow. Tree whirled around. "I just remembered something!"

This was very convenient for Tree.

Marshmallow continued. "I don't think they had any arms."

Taco wrote this response down.

"Are you sure?"


Taco wrote this response down.

"Well, thanks for the information. I'll be going now."

Tree left.

The completely filler chapter was finally over. Yay.

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