Interlude B (AKA The Obligatory Author's Note Chapter)

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Author's Note:

It has been nearly a month since the last update. That's like a long time. I have school now, and it a surprising break from tradition that means I have more time to work on this. Unfortunately I probably won't because in another break from tradition I keep forgetting about this.

In the third, fourth and fifth breaks from tradition, I will not wordlessly abandon this for the rest of time, I will not promise that chapters will come regularly now, and I will not promise that chapters will come regularly now and then post like two chapters and then stop.

Instead I will merely say that I wrote like 90% of Chapter 11 the day after I published Chapter 10 and then stopped working on this, so there is a chance that Chapter 11 may or may not come out in a short amount of time.

In the sixth break from tradition I will not thank anyone for reading my story/sticking with me/supporting me because I want to break the tradition six times and there isn't any other reason.

But thanks to the people on Discord who said it was good, those people are cool.

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