Epilogue - You Can't Forget the Epilogue

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The next morning, Tree, Remote, and Taco were all sitting in the lobby. Tree was telling the incredibly exciting tale of the previous evening's events.

"I walked into the police station, got a cup of complimentary coffee, and waited in line behind some guy who was complaining that his neighbor's cat was too fluffy and should be arrested. After five minutes, I got to the desk. I showed the evidence to Black Hole and he said that it was incredibly clear that Algodoo Marble was the culprit. Then I went back to the office, went upstairs, and arrested him."

"Impressive," remarked Remote.

"Not really," responded Tree.

"Well, at least you solved the case," said Taco. "Did you get paid?"

"Yeah, I got a thousand dollars."

"Sweet! We should, like, have a fancy breakfast to celebrate."

"Uh, sure? I guess I don't have anything else to do."

"Cool and good," monotoned Remote.

The three headed out of the office, Taco looking up restaurants on her phone.

"I heard on the news this morning that Berry will recover fine," remarked Remote.

"That's good, I guess," Tree said, uninterested.

"Hey, there's a nice pancake place just down the street. We could go there," offered Taco.

"Sounds good to me," responded Tree.

They went to cross the road, and Tree was hit by a truck.

Get dunked on.

The end.

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